| ![]() function of vfo frequency shift (in-
since E1 and E2 voltages are ex-
crease or decrease). When the fre-
actly 180 out-of -phase.
quency increases, the dc output
(4) If the vfo frequency increases or
voltage is less than the reference
decreases, changing the 5.6-mc in-
l e v e l ; when the frequency in-
put signal, the 90 vector relation-
creases, it is greater than the ref-
ship between the E1 and E2 signal
erence level. The phase compara-
and the E3 signal no longer exists.
t o r output voltage is applied
The change in frequency is equiva-
through the antihunt network mod-
lent to an E1-E2 phase shift with
ule All to the apc line. The change
respect to E3. The resultant vec-
in apc voltage corrects the vfo out-
tors of E1 plus E3 and E2 plus E3
put frequency and returns the apc
are no longer the same l e n g t h
voltage to the reference level when
(since the 90 vector relationship of
a phase lock is established.
E1-E2 and E3 no longer exists), and
(6) The control voltage output of mod-
the ratio of voltage across the
ule A17 can be measured at test
diodes changes. The voltages de-
jack J2.
veloped across load resistors R4
and R5 are now unequal, and the dc
output will be changed from the
inator Driver Module All
+3.5-volt reference level.
(5) The amount the reference level is
changed is a function of the phase
The fss discriminator driver module All
difference detected in the compar-
extends the captive range of the fss. It re-
ator; the direction of change is a
ceives two input signals and develops the
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