| ![]() maintains a constant voltage drop. When the
31. Dc-to-Dc Converter Module Al
output voltage increases due to a decrease
in load or an increase in the input voltage,
The dc-to-dc converter module supplies
a proportional positive voltage increase
power amplifier tube V1 with plate voltage
appears at the emitter of dc amplifier Q2
during transmission. The dc-to-dc con-
and results in more current flow through
verter uses the 12.5-volt dc battery supply
Q2. The base of series regulator Q1 goes
input. Module Al consists of a transis-
more positive; conduction through Q1 de-
torized power oscillator, transformer, and
creases, which effectively increases the
rectifier circuit.
impedance of series regulator Q1. The
a. Transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected
effect is a decrease in the regulator out-
in a common collector power oscillator
put; the circuit has compensated for the
circuit which operates at 4,000 cps. The
increase in output voltage. The opposite
primary windings, terminals 4 and 6, of
series of events takes place when the out-
transformer T1 provide the load for the
put voltage decreases because of a load
transistors. Regenerative feedback to sus -
increase or input voltage decrease. The
tain oscillation is applied to the base of
regulator provides two +10-volt outputs,
each transistor from the winding, between
one filtered and one unfiltered. The fil-
terminals 5 and 7, of transformer T1. The
tered output is filtered by a pi-filter net-
12.5-volt dc input to module Al is applied
work consisting of coil L1 and capacitors
when the function switch is at ON and the
C1 and C2. The filtered output is supplied
handset push-to-talk switch is closed. As
a result of circuit unbalance, a larger cur-
The unfiltered output is supplied to the
rent flows through one of the transistors
remainder of the circuits requiring regu-
and its associated portion of the primary
lated +10 volts. The unregulated input
winding of transformer T1 when the supply
voltage to module A16 can be measured at
voltage is initially applied to the oscillator.
test jack J2; the regulated output voltage
from module A16 can be measured at test
(1) Assume that the larger current is
jack J3.
flowing through transistor Q1. This
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