| ![]() c. Capacitors C2 and C3 and inductor
(2) High band. The high-band tuned
L1 prevent rf variations from reaching the
output circuit consists of inductor
-45-volt dc supply. The combination of
T3, trimmer capacitor C8, and
resistors R2 and R3 provides fixed bias,
ganged tuning capacitor C1A. The
and resistor R1 is the emitter swamping
OUTPUT is applied from a tap of
resistor Q1. Inductors L2 and L3 are rf
T3 through S1A and coupling ca-
pacitor C3 in the main frame (fig.
chokes. Capacitor C7 is inserted into the
high-band output tank circuit by S1C to
88) to the grid of V1.
shift the effective range of ganged tuning
capacitor C1B by decreasing the total ca-
capacitor C3, choke rf L2 and capacitor
pacitance. The rf input to module A7 can
C4, and rf choke L3 and capacitor C5 keep
be measured at test jack J2.
rf variations out of the -45-volt dc supply.
d. Inductor L1 and capacitor C5 (in the
Resistor R1 is an emitter swamping re-
main frame (fig. 88) ) form a filter in the
sistor. The combination of resistors R2
-45-volt input to module A7.
and R3 form a voltage divider which sup-
plies base bias for transistor Q1. Capac-
itor C7 is inserted into the high-band out-
put tank circuit by S1C to shift the effective
Module A6
range of ganged tuning capacitor C1A by
decreasing the total capacitance. The rf
input to module A6 can be measured at
Transmitter intermediate power ampli-
fier module A6 amplifies the rf input from
test jack J2.
transmitter second rf amplifier module
A7 (para 17). The transmitter intermediate
power amplifier module consists of a
single intermediate power amplifier, a
BAND switch, and a tuned output circuit
for each of the two bands. The output of
rf amplifier stage which, in conjunction
A6 is applied to the grid of tube V1.
with power amplifier (pa) tank module A2
a. The signal from A7 is coupled from
the top of the center-tapped secondary of
output to the antenna. Plate, screen-grid,
T1 through coupling capacitor C1 to the
and bias voltages for power amplifier tube
emitter of Q1 and from the bottom of the
V1 are supplied by de-to-de converter
secondary of T1 through coupling capac-
module A1 (para 31). The dc filament volt-
itor C2 to the base of Q1. The output at
age is supplied by battery BT1.
the collector of Q1 is coupled through
BAND switch S1B to the low-or high-band
ipa A6 (para 18) is applied through par-
tuned output circuit.
asitic suppression network Z1 to the con-
trol grid of V1. The rf signal at the plate
b. Separate tuned output circuits are
of tube V1 is developed across the low-
used for the high and low bands. Switch
or high-band tank circuits located in power
S1 selects the proper circuit when the
amplifier (pa) tank circuit module A2.
BAND switch is positioned.
(1) Low band. The low-band tuned out-
b. A bias voltage of -39.5 volts dc is
applied to the control grid of tube V1
put circuit consists of inductor T2,
through resistor R2, inductor L1, and sup-
trimmer capacitor C6, and ganged
pressor network Z1. Resistor R1 is a
tuning capacitor C1A (fig. 88),
voltage dropping resistor in series with
which is varied by the tuning con-
the -45-input circuit. There is a constant
trols on the front panel to select
voltage drop of approximately 5.5 volts
the desired frequency within the
dc across Zener diode CR1 which is ap-
low band. The output is applied from
plied a fixed grid bias voltage for V1. The
a tap of T2 through S1A and coup-
combination of inductor L1, resistor R2,
ling capacitor C3 in the main frame
and capacitor C1 prevents rf leakage into
(fig. 88) to the grid of V1.
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