| ![]() C.
Working from the bottom of the 10.7-
p a n e l meter indication. This pro-
m c if. amplifier subassembly, adjust the
cedure completes the alignment of
t h e 10.7-mc if. amplifier.
c o r e s of if. transformers T206 and T207
f. Disconnect the fabricated cable as-
f o r a further maximum indication on the
sembly (a(2) above) from input jack J1 on
p a n e l meter.
d. Repeat the procedures given in b a n d
the if. step attenuator. Reconnect plug P209
on cable assembly W201 to input jack J1 on
c a b o v e , a s necessary, until no further
the if. step attenuator.
peaking can be observed. Proper if. align-
ment is evidenced when an output of ap-
p r o x i m a t e l y 40 to 70 microvolt from the
90. Using Tuning Wand
tuning unit 2 signal generator produces a
f u l l - s c a l e pointer deflection on the panel
A tuning wand is required for aligning
t h e 70-200-mc band of tuning - unit 2 and
meter (with the SIGNAL ATTENUATOR
DB switch at the 20 db position).
for the complete frequency range of tuning
unit 3. This tuning wand, which is commer-
e. After completing the p r o c e d u r es
given in a through d above, adjust signal
c i a l l y available, c o n s i s t s of a plexiglas
p e a k i n g coil L229 in the cathode circuit
r o d approximately 7/32 inch in diameter
of V211, as follows:
by 6 inches long. One end of the wand ter-
minates in a powdered iron core slug; the
switch S704 is mounted on the
other end terminates in a brass slug. Use
m a i n unit power supply partition
the wand as described below:
a. Tuning Unit 2 (70- to 220-Mc Band
the open-circuit position to place a
resistor in the metering signal path
(1) I n s e r t the brass slug end of the
and make the panel meter (M701)
tuning wand into the separate mag-
l e s s sensitive.
netic field of variable coils L208 at
(2) Observe that the meter pointer now
the input to V204, L211 at the input
d e f l e c t s to approximate midscale,
to V205, and L213 at the input to
with the tuning unit 2 signal gener-
V206A. Watch the change in indica-
ator i n j e c t i n g a 50-microvolt
tion on the main unit panel meter.
output signal (at 10.7 mc) into the
An increase in the meter indication
i f . amplifier.
shows that the coupling between the
(3) Rotate the tuning unit 2 signal gen-
individual loops of wire comprising
e r a t o r MICROVOLTS control to
t h e particular coil under measure-
ment should be reduced. This effect
o b t a i n the full-power level capa-
is obtained by spreading the loops
bility (approximately 100,000
m i c r o v o l t ) , and adjust the core of
of wire farther apart from each
L229 for a maximum output indica-
(2) Insert the powdered iron core end
tion on the panel meter.
o f the tuning wand into the same
(4) S e t switch S704 to its closed-cir-
v a r i a b l e coils, one coil at a time.
c u i t position. This action short-
Watch the change in panel meter in-
c i r c u i t s the series resistor in the
dication. An increase in the panel
metering signal path and causes the
meter indication with the powdered
p a n e l meter to be more sensitive.
iron core inserted in the magnetic
(5) D e c r e a s e the tuning unit 2 signal
field of the coil now shows that the
generator MICROVOLTS control to
coupling between the loops of wire
t h e setting that produces approxi-
shoul be increased. This effect is
mate mids c ale panel meter
obtained by bending the loops
c l o s e r to each other.
(6) Readjust Z202 to obtain a maximum
p a n e l meter indication.
b. Tuning Unit 3 (200 to 400 Mc ( f i g .
(7) Repeat the procedures given in (1)
t h r o u g h (6) above for final peak
1 ) Insert the brass slug end of the
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