| ![]() Note: T h r o u g h o u t the following align-
w i t h a UG-88/U connector (BNC-
ment procedure, d e c r e a s e the tuning unit
s e r i e s ) . Terminate the tuning unit
2 signal generator MICROVOLTS output
end of the cable with an MB-series
control and the tuning unit GAIN control
type 45000 female connector.
( i f necessary) so that the pointer on the
m a i n unit panel meter maintains an on-
(3) Use a UG-201A/U adapter to inter-
s c a l e indication. Initially set the tuning
c o n n e c t one termination on the
unit 2 signal generator MICROVOLTS dial
tuning unit 2 signal generator cable
to a value of 20K (equivalent to -20 deci-
t o the UG-88/U connector on the
bels (referred to 1 milliwatt in 600 ohms)
(dbm)); then reduce the output setting as
f a b r i c ate d cable assembly de-
r e q u i r e d to keep the panel meter pointer
scribed in (2) above.
indication lower than full scale.
(4) Disconnect plug P209 on the tuning
b. Working from the top of the 10.7-mc
unit 2 cable assembly W201, from
if. amplifier subassembly, adjust networks
j a c k J1 (AT201J1) on the if. step
T205, T206, T207, Z201, and Z202. in this
sequence, for maximum output indication.
(5) Connect the output of the tuning unit
Gradually decrease the tuning unit 2 signal
2 signal generator, through the fab-
generator output control setting as tuning
ricated cable assembly ((2) above),
unit 2 is brought into alignment, to prevent
to jack J1 (AT201J1) on the if. step
overloading of the if. amplifier.
Figure 91. Test setup for if. amplifier alignment, tuning units 2 and 4.
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