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Page Title: Replacement of Parts, Minor Components-for Use with All Tuning Units
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(para 71-74), to the main unit. A typical
78. Replacement of Parts, Minor
test setup is shown in figure 46; the sche-
Components-for Use with All
m a t i c diagram of the cable assembly is
Tuning Units
shown in figure 39. Other than open circuits
a. Multimeter, Remote ME-204/URM-
t h a t may develop in the soldered con-
85 (fig. 87). During operation or checking
nections to plugs P902 and P903, possible
o f the test set, the remote meter may be
s o u r c e s of trouble may exist as follows:
i n t e r c o n n e c t e d to the main unit by using
(1) F a i l u r e of contact closure within
Cord Assembly, Electrical CX-4305/U.
m i c r o s w i t c h S901, which is
One telephone plug PJ-068, at one end of
mounted to the bellhousing on con-
the CX-4305/U, mates with main unit
n e c t o r P902. The contact should
f rent-panel jack J704; the second telephone
c l o s e when connector P902 is in-
plug PJ-068, at the opposite end of the 30-
s e r t e d as far as possible into its
foot cord, mates with telephone jack J1201
m a t i n g receptacle at the rear of a
o n the remote meter. With this intercon-
tuning unit. Failure to hear a click-
n e c t i o n completed, the pointer on the re-
ing sound, when inserting the con-
mote meter should duplicate the indications
nector into the receptacle, is cause
on the main unit panel meter. If malfunc-
f o r suspecting a defective micro-
t i o n i n g of the remote meter is indicated
switch. D i s a s s e m b l y and re-
after possible defects in the main unit have
a s s e m b l y is accomplished by the
b e e n eliminated (para 67), suspect a de-
t w o screws that secure the micro-
fective cord, telephone jack J1201, or
switch to the bellhousing.
microammeter M1201. Follow the exploded
(2) F a i l u r e of contact closure within
v i e w (fig. 87) for disassembly and re-
m i c r o s w i t c h  S902, which is
a s s e m b l y of replacement parts..
mounted to the bellhousing on con-
b. Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
n e c t o r P903. The contact should
Electrical B r a n c h e d CX-6681/URM-85
c l o s e when connector P903 is in-
(fig. 88). This cable assembly is used for
s e r t e d as far as possible into its
interconnecting a tuning unit, when opera-
m a t i n g receptacle J701 on the in-
ting outside of the main unit for trouble-
terior wall of the main unit tuning
s h o o t i n g (para 67) or signal substitution

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