| ![]() (instead of the peak) of narrow-head cw or
f o l l o w e r V702A no longer has a path of
modulated cw signals.
c o n t i n u i t y through terminals 2 and 3 of
s w i t c h S702 (rear). The various sections
of the function switch permit zeroing the
19. CW PEAK Position of Function Switch
meter indication, in the absence of an in-
coming meter signal as follows:
a. S702 Rear, Section X. The s w i t c h
function switch S702 in CW PEAK position
wafer has been rotated 60 clockwise from
is similar to that in CW AVERAGE posi-
i t s original CW AVERAGE position. The
t i o n (para 18) except for the following
long tab on the switch wafer now creates a
path of continuity between terminals 3 and
a. S702 Rear, Section X. The s w i t c h
4 . The signal path no longer is through
wafer has been rotated 30 clockwise, but
m u l t i p l i e r resistor R722 because the out-
c o n t a c t between terminals 2 and 3 con-
p u t side of R722 has an open circuit at
tinues to exist. Therefore, the signal path
t e r m i n a l 2 of S702 (rear). Instead, a new
from multiplier resistor R722 to the nega-
s i g n a l path exists through two multiplier
t i v e terminal of meter M701 is identical
resistors, R723 and R724, terminals 3 and
with that described in paragraph 18a.
4 of S702 (rear), and filter FL702, to the
b. S702 Front, Section Y. The s w i t c h
n e g a t i v e terminal of meter M701.
wafer has been rotated 30 clockwise, but
b. S702 Front, Section Y. The s w i t c h
c o n t a c t between terminals 1 and 2 con-
wafer has been rotated 60 clockwise from
tinues to exist. Therefore, the signal path
i t s original CW AVERAGE position, but
from the positive terminal of meter M701
contact between terminals 1 and 2 continues
to the cathode of V702B and the positive
t o exist. Therefore, the signal path from
s o u r c e in the power supply is identical
the positive terminal of meter M701 to the
with that described in paragraph 18b.
cathode of V702B and the positive source
c. S702 Front Section Z. The s w i t c h
in the power supply is identical with that
wafer has been rotated 30 clockwise,
d e s c r i b e d in paragraph 18b. Under quies-
b r e a k i n g contact between terminals 2 and
c e n t conditions of cathode follower V702
3. Under this condition, 6.3 volts ac heater
(d below), the variable arm of front-panel
power is disconnected from terminal 18 of
ZERO ADJ control R715 can be varied to
m a i n unit receptacle J701 and its mating
e q u a l i z e the voltage across the metering
terminal 18 on the tuning unit connector.
c i r c u i t . Balance is obtained when panel-
T h i s action deenergizes the two thermal
mounted meter M701 indicates a zero in-
relays in the detector-electrometer as-
d i c a t i o n on the lower meter scale, which
sembly (fig. 19), and restores the ex-
is calibrated in MICROVOLTS.
termely high load impedance and longtime-
C . S702 Front, Section Z. The s w i t c h
constant charging circuit in the plate of the
wafer has been rotated 60 clockwise from
meter detector. The purpose of this circuit
i t s original CW AVERAGE position. The
i s to enable the electrometers to measure
contact between terminals 1 and 3 remains
t h e peak voltage (instead of the average
broken. The circuit action is identical with
envelope value) of narrow-band cw or
that described for the C W PEAK position
modulated cw signals.
d. S702 Rear, Section W. For the first
gized in the ZERO ADJ, PULSE PEAK, and ME-
t i m e in the circuit description, section W
TERED SLIDEBACK positions of the f u n c t i o n
o f S702 performs a function. In the two
switch, the following paragraphs (20 through 22) do
previous positions (CW AVERAGE and CW
not include the repetitive description of the thermal
P E A K ) , section W presented an open cir-
relay circuit action.
cuit to the switch terminals. In the ZERO
A D J position of the function switch, ter-
20. ZERO ADJ Position of Function Switch
minals 3 and 4 create a path of continuity
f r o m t h e -150-volt output of the power
supply to terminal 1 of main unit receptacle
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