| ![]() (1) Connect the cable plug to the re-
mechanism knob clockwise until
ceptacle on the rear of the control
the receiver transmit s fully
and the
seated on
( 2 ) Position the control unit on the
mating connections are engaged.
instrument panel and tighten the
(4) Engage the holddown clamps (fig.
four fasteners.
tighten the holddown clamps and
s a f e t y wire. R e f e r to TM 11-530
for safety wiring procedures.
a. Removal.
(5) Connect the antenna cable to the
(1) Remove the screws that hold the
mounting base to the fuselage.
( 2 ) Pull the antenna away from the
fuselage and disconnect the antenna
Control Unit
cable from the antenna connector;
remove the antenna and gasket.
b. Replacement.
a. Removal.
(1) Loosen the four fasteners and re-
(1) Connect the antenna cable to the
move the control unit from the in-
a n t e n n a cable connector through
strument panel.
the gasket.
(2) Position the antenna on the air-
(2) Disconnect the cable plug from the
craft skin and install the antenna
r e a r of the control unit; remove
with the screws.
the control unit.
b. Replacement.
B-group coding; the third digit (tens), the
C-group coding; and the fourth digit (units),
a. Code Assignment. Mode 2 code as-
the D-group coding.
signment is given by a four-digit number.
The digits represent pulse group letters
c. Pulse Position Number. P o s i t i v e
identification of pulses within a group is
and the digit numeral represents the sum
a c c o m p l i s h e d by assigning a number to
of the pulse position numbers (b and c b e -
each pulse in a group. The numbers used
are 1, 2, and 4, and they are assigned to
b. Code Group Letter. The pulse train
the pulses of each group in sequence;
f o r sif consists of 2 framing pulses and
up to 12 information pulses for mode 2.
therefore, there is an A1, A2, and A4, a
B1, B2, and B4, and so on.
T h e 12 information pulses are divided
(1) T h e s e numbers are used because
into four groups of three pulses, and each
g r o u p of three pulses is identified by a
t h e various sums give the maxi-
code group letter. The code group letters
mum number of combinations,
a r e A, B, C, and D. These code group
without repetition, for three num-
l e t t e r s always apply to the same three
b e r s . By using various combina-
tions of these numbers, any digit
pulses, and, in combination with the pulse
from zero to seven can be obtained.
position number ( c below), permanently
(2) The code number for each group is
i d e n t i f y each of the information pulses.
a digit from zero to seven. This
T h e digits of the assigned code number
code number is set up in the code
(a above) indicate the code group to be
switching system to provide pulse
u s e d and the pulse coding within that
position numbers with sums equal
g r o u p . In a four-digit number, the first
to the desired code number for that
digit (thousands) designates the A-group
code group. The chart below is an
c o d i n g ; the second digit (hundreds), the
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