29. General
s e t for completeness, evidence of
damage, security of mounting, and
f o r m e d by the crewchief.
a. The operator's inspections listed in
proper safety wiring.
( 2 ) C h e c k the control unit for loose
p a r a g r a p h s 30 and 31 supplement the
or binding knobs.
inspection procedures in the pilot's pre-
( 3 ) C h e c k the mounting for cracks,
f l i g h t checklist. T h e operator's inspec-
c o r r o s i o n , l o o s e attaching bolts
tions consist of checking the transponder
or rivets, deterioration of rubber,
set for flight preparedness by performing
and loose or missing bonding.
a visual inspection (para 30) to discover
( 4 ) Check the operational controls for
defects, and an operational check (para 31)
loose or missing knobs and for
t o verify serviceability. The inspections
p r o p e r operation. Insure that all
listed should be accomplished before the
c o n t r o l s and switches are in the
f i r s t flight of the day, as called for by
p o s i t i o n s indicated in paragraph
l o c a l standard operating procedures, or
20 a.
as indicated in the operator's aircraft
technical manual covering the aircraft in
which this equipment is installed.
b. The pilot or copilot should report any
The following preflight tests should be
malfunction or failure noted in flight and
made during engine warmup as an exten-
any discrepancy noted in the preflight in-
sion of the ground tests in the applicable
spection on DA Form 2408-13.
aircraft operator's and crewmember's
t e c h n i c a l manual. The pilot or copilot
should perform the tests below in the order
a. Exterior Inspection. W h i l e m a k i n g
the exterior walkaround inspection of the
a. Place the aircraft master power on-
aircraft, check the antenna for complete-
off switch to its on position.
ness, damage, loose mounting, and dam-
b. Actuate
aged insulation.
breaker (part of aircraft).
b. Inferior Inspection. T h e i n t e r i o r i n -
spection indicated below is to be per-
position. The pilot light should light. Al-
formed on a daily basis and in accordance
low for warmup (3 to 5 minutes).
with the daily checklist in the applicable
d. Adjust the pilot light to the desired
a i r c r a f t operator's manual. This inspec-
brilliance by opening or closing the lens
tion ((1) through (4) below) is an extension
of the tests given in that manual.
e. Set the master control to its OFF
( 1 ) Visually inspect the transponder
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