| ![]() CIVIL position, all other operations re-
master control of the transponder set re-
mains in the EMER position after the
m a i n the same as in the MOD position
( p a r a 23). Additional reply information
transponder set is interrogated by a
necessary for compatibility with civil
g r o u n d - b a s e d IFF system. These signals
will be transmitted automatically, regard-
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s is automatically inserted
less of any mode and function combination
by the transponder set.
previously setup and will provide indica-
tions to the ground-based IFF system that
the aircraft is in an emergency or distress
T h e pilot may identify the position of
b. Master Switch Operation.
h i s aircraft after being interrogated by
(1) Depress and hold in the emergency
a ground-based IFF system. This type
barrier button.
operation is initiated by the pilot on re-
(2) T u r n the master control to the
ceipt of a request through the aircraft's
EMER position.
communications facility, or on arrival at
(3) R e l e a s e t h e e m e r g e n c y b a r r i e r
p r e - e s t a b l i s h e d checkpoints. The trans-
ponder set will transmit signals indicating
(4) P e r m i t the master control to re-
to the ground-based IFF that a request is
main in the EMER position for the
being made for the aircraft's position. The
duration of the emergency.
following operating procedures are used:
(5) W h e n the emergency is over, re-
a. Procedure No. 1.
turn the master control switch to
(1) To transmit position identifying
the NORM or LOW position as re-
signals, momentarily hold the I/P
switch in the I/P position.
(2) On completion, release the I/P
27. Monitoring
b. Procedure No. 2 .
(1) P l a c e the I/P switch in the MIC
M o n i t o r the reply pukes, transmitted
by the transponder set, as follows:
a. Place the AUDIO switch in the ON
(2) P r e s s the switch button on the
p o s i t i o n . Transmitted reply pukes, fol-
microphone; the transponder set is
l o w i n g interrogation, will be audible in
n o w transmitting position identi-
the pilot's headset.
fying signals.
b. Immediately following completion of
(3) On completion of identification of
the monitoring procedure, place the AUDIO
p o s i t i o n , release the microphone
switch in the OFF position.
switch button.
(4) P l a c e the I/P switch in the OFF
Note: The I/P switch may remain in the
MIC position for the duration of a flight.
Set the front panel controls as fol-
This permits position identifying signals
to be transmitted each time the aircraft's
lows :
communication equipment is operated.
Master Control - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AUDIO switch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a. General. During an aircraft emer-
I/P switch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MODE 2 switch ----------------------
g e n c y or distress condition, the trans-
MODE 3 switch -----------------------
ponder set may be used to transmit
MODE 1 code control - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To read 00.
specially coded emergency signals. These
MODE 3 code control - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To read 00.
F u n c t i o n control --------------------
emergency signals are automatically
AN/APX-44 circuit breaker - - - - - - - - - - -
setup and will be transmitted as long as the
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