| ![]() TM 11-5826-258-24
Table 1-1. Tabulated DataContinued
Low sensitivity
Adjustable from 1000 to 3000 microvolt. Adjusted to 1500 microvolt.
Audio output power
Balanced output which provides 50 milliwatt-s into a 150-ohm external load
operating temperature
-46 C to +55 C.
Storage temperature
-54 C to +71 C.
Warmup time:
Standard temperature conditions
Less than 90 seconds.
Extreme temperature conditions
Less than 3 minutes.
Power input:
Meets specified performance when operated from a dc primary source with
characteristics and limits as defined in MIL-STD-704 based 6 October 1959,
Category B.
Meets transient conditions as specified in MIL-STD -704 dated 6 October 1959.
Power source transients
Lamp drive
Lamp drive capable of operating single marker beacon light system with total
lamp load range of from 40 to 200 milliamperes at 28 vdc.
Storage temperature
-54 C to +71 C.
Frequency selection
ARINC Mark 11 (2-out-of-5) per ARINC Characteristic 410.
Frequency range selection
108.00 through 117,95 MHz in 50 kHz steps.
Mechanically positions whole MHz wafer switches and units/tenths MHz fre-
Whole MHz control (left knob)
quency drums simultaneously.
Fractional MHz control (right knob)
Mechanically positions fractional MHz wafer switches and tenths/hundredths
drums simultaneously.
LOC/GS frequency pairing
In accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 170-12.
NAV-VOL-OFF control
Provides power on/off control for VOR/LOC/GS/MB receivers and VOR/LOC
audio output level control.
Provides an independent MB audio output level control. Provides on/off control
for optional switching of lamp common wire.
Activates VOR and MB lamp self-test circuits, (Requires external signal),
Provides means of controlling MB sensitivity (a ground is provided in HI switch
DME channeling
Separate set of ARINC 2-out-of-5 wires ARINC Mark ii per ARINC Characteristic
410 to control 200 channel DME receiver.
Power requirements
27.5 vdc, 80 milliamperes.
Red (or white, refer to paragraph 1 -8) in accordance with MIL-P- 7778.
GS/LOC energize function
Provides a ground to energize GS/LOC receiver on ILS frequencies
Mounting Base, Electrical Equipment MT-4834/ARN-123(V):
2.0 lb max.
See table 1-2.
Storage temperature
-54C to +71 C.
Mounting Base, Electrical Equipment MT-4980/ARN-123(V):
1.05 lb max.
See table 1-2.
-54 C to +71 C.
Storage Instructions
1-14. Items Comprising an Operable
AN/ARN-123(V)(*). Additional items required to com-
plete the system are listed in paragraph 1-15.
The items in table 1-2 make up Radio Receiving Set
Table 1-2. Components Included in Radio Receiving Set AN/ARN-123(V)(*)
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