| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
b. Replacement
Removal of rigid coaxial cables must
(1) Align the replacement Isolator assembly
be performed carefully to prevent
with the four screw holes In the 1 Al 1 Enclosure.
damage to the rigid coaxial cables.
Replace and tighten the four machine screws, securing
the Isolator assembly to the enclosure plate
(3) Disconnect rigid coaxial cables lW17 and
(2) Reconnect RF cable W1 to connection J1.
1W19 from coaxial circulator 1HY1 (TM 115820-695-
Reconnect RF cable W2 to connector J2
(3) Reinstall assembly 1All on plate assembly
(4) Remove the four screws and washers
securing the dc monitor bracket, on which coaxial
(4) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on Meter
circulator IHY1 is mounted, to plate assembly 1A16.
panel assembly 1 A1 5A8 to ON
The remove dc monitor bracket and coaxial circulator
IHY1 from plate assembly 1A16.
3-29. Replacement of Digital Data Modem Chassis
(5) Remove the three screws and washers
securing coaxial circulator 1HY1 to the dc monitor
a. Removal.
b. Replacement.
(1) Mount replacement coaxial circulator
(1) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
1HY1 on the dc monitor bracket and align the three
panel assembly 1A15A8 to OFF.
mounting holes. Then secure coaxial circulator IHY1 to
(2) Disconnect coaxial cables 1A15W1,
dc monitor bracket, using the three screws and washers
1A15W2, 1A15W4, 1A15W7 and 1A15W10 from digital
removed in step a(5).
data modem 1A12.
(2) Place dc monitor bracket with coaxial
(3) Loosen the two assembly captive screws
circulator 1HY1 on plate assembly A16 and align the
securing digital data modem IA12 to electrical
four mounting holes. Then secure dc monitor bracket to
equipment cabinet lA15 by alternately turning each
plate assembly 1A16 using the four screws and washers
captive screw two turns at a time until the captive
removed in step a(4).
screws turn freely. Withdraw digital data modem 1A12
from electrical equipment cabinet 1A15.
Replacement of rigid coaxial cables
(4) Loosen the three cover captive screws
must be performed carefully to
securing the hinged front cover and lower cover.
prevent damage to the rigid coaxial
(5) Using a card extractor carefully remove
plug-in components 1A12A2 through 1A12A10 from
digital data modem chassis 1A12A12 (TM 11-5820-69-
(3) Connect rigid coaxial cables 1W17 and
1W19 (TM 11-820-696-12).
(6) Loosen the two captive screws securing
(4) Connect coaxial cable IA16W18 to co
plug-in components lA12A1 and 1A12All to digital data
axial circulator 1HY1 connector DC MONITOR J3.
modem chassis 1A12A12.
(5) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
(7) Using the two loosened captive screws as
panel assembly 1A15AS to ON.
hand grips, slowly pull 1A12A1 and 1A12A11 from their
position in digital data modem chassis 1A12A12.
(6) Perform the T-1054/GRCJ144 frequency
multiplier metering circuit calibration procedure (para 3-
(8) Close and secure the hinged cover of
defective digital data modem chassis 1A12A12 by
tightening the three cover captive screws.
3-28.1. Replacement of Coaxial Isolation 1A1HY1
3-3.1, 5-27.1)
b. Replacement.
a. Removal
(1) Loosen the three cover captive screws
(1) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
that secure the cover to the replacement digital data
panel assembly 1 A1 5A8 to OFF.
modem chassis 1A12A12, and lower the cover.
(2) Remove assembly 1 Al 1 from plate
(2) Carefully
assembly 1 A1 6.
components1A12A1 through 1A12Atl, removed in step
a(5) through
(3) Disconnect RF cables W1 and W2 from
J1 and J2 connectors on the isolator assembly.
(7) into their respective positions in 1A12A12
as indicated on the hinged cover of 1A12.
(4) Loosen and remove the four pan head
machine screws which secure the circulator 1 Al 1
enclosure. Remove the isolator assembly.
Change 5
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