| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
transmitter 2nd stage frequency multiplier 1A1OAl.
Connect and tighten the mating type
Remove 1A1OA1 from the enclosure.
TNC connector between crystal mixer 1A9AI and coaxial
circulator 1A9HY,1.
(6) Remove the three screws securing
coaxial circulator lAlOHY1 to the transmitter frequency
Tighten the four screws securing coaxial
multiplier group lA10 enclosure and then remove coaxial
circulator 1A9HY1 to the transmitter frequency mixer
circulator lA1OHYl from the transmitter frequency
stage 1A9 enclosure, then tighten the two screws
multiplier group lA10 enclosure.
securing crystal mixer LA9A1 to the transmitter
frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure.
b. Replacement.
Removal of components with rigid
(1) Rep!ace transmitter 2nd stage frequency
coaxial cable must be performed
multiplier 1A1OA1 and transmitter 3rd stage frequency
carefully to prevent damage to the
multiplier lA10A2 into their respective screw slots on the
lA10 enclosure (fig. 5-72). Place replacement coaxial
rigid coaxial cables.
circulator 1A1OHY1 on the 1A1O enclosure between
lA'lOA1 and 1A10A2. Connect the mating type TNC
(7) Reinstall transmitter frequency mixer
connector between IAlOHY1 and 1A1OA1.
stage 1A9 on plate assembly 1A16 (TM I15820-69-42).
(2) Connect the mating type TNC connector
(8) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
between coaxial circulator lAlOHY1 and transmitter 3rd
panel assembly 1A15A8 to ON.
stage frequency multiplier 1A1A2.
(9) Perform the T-1054/GRC-144 frequency
(3) Replace and tighten the three screws
multiplier metering circuit calibration procedure (para 3-
securing coaxial circulator 1A1OHY1 to 1A10 enclosure.
(4) Tighten the screws securing transmitter
2nd stage frequency multiplier lA10A1 and transmitter
3-27. Replacement of Coaxial Circulator 1A1OHYl
3rd stage frequency multiplier 1A10A2 to 1A10
a. Removal
Replacement of components with
(1) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
rigid coaxial cables must be
panel assembly 1A15A8 to OFF.
performed carefully to prevent
damage to the rigid coaxial cables.
Removal of components with rigid co
(5) Reinstall transmitter frequency multiplier
axial cable must be performed
group lA10 on plate assembly 1Al16 (TM 11-582O-69-
carefully to prevent damage to the
rigid coaxial cables.
(6) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
panel assembly lAlSA8 to ON.
Remove transmitter frequency multiplier
(7) Perform the T-1054/GRC-144 frequency
group lA10 from plate assembly 1,A16 (TM 11-5820-
multiplier metering circuit calibration procedure (para 3-
Loosen, but do not remove, the two
screws on the rear side of component 1A10 securing
3-28. Replacement of Coaxial Circulator 1HY1
transmitter 3rd stage frequency multiplier 1A10A2 to the
transmitter frequency multiplier group lA10 enclosure.
Disconnect the mating type TNC
a. Removal.
connector between coaxial circulator 1A1OHYI and
transmitter 3rd stage frequency multiplier lA10HYI and
transmitter 3rd stage frequency multiplier 1A10A2 and
(1) Set the POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
remove 1A1OA2 from the enclosure.
panel Paw bly 1A15A8 to OFF.
Loosen the two screws securing
(2) Disconnect coaxial cable 1A16W18 (fig.
transmitter 2nd stage frequency multiplier 1A1OA1 to
the transmitter frequency multiplier group IA10
enclosure and disconnect the mating type TNC
connector between coaxial circulator ArlOHY1 and
Change 5
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