| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
ease the cover off of the box to provide access to the
Removal of components with rigid
upper terminal of the filters. Unsolder and remove the
coaxial cables must be performed
lead from the defective filter to be replaced.
carefully to prevent damage to the
Remove the hex-nut that secures the
rigid coaxial cables.
defective filter to the cover and remove the filter.
b. Replacement.
(1) Remove the mounting nut from the
(2) Remove transmitter frequency mixer
replacement filter and secure the replacement filter to
stage lA9 from plate assembly 1A16 (TM 115820-
the filter assembly cover with the mounting nut.
(2) Solder the wire lead removed In step |
(3) Loosen, but do not remove, the screws
(a(14) to the upper terminal of replacement filter.
securing crystal mixer 1A9AI to the transmitter
(3) Place the cover on the assembly box
frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure.
being careful that the leads from the filters to connector
(4) Disconnect the mating type TNC
1A15A6J18 do not get crimped between the cover and
connector between coaxial circulator 1lA9tY1I and
the box. Secure the cover to the box using the four
crystal mixer IA9AI.
screws removed in step o(14).
(5) Slide crystal mixer IA9A1l away from
(4) Position the filter assembly so that the
coaxial circulator 1A9HYl until it is free of the mating
leads removed from the bottom terminals of the | filters
TNC connector, then remove crystal mixer 1A9A1 from
in step a(12) can be resoldered in place. Solder the
the transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure.
leads to their respective terminals.
(6) Remove the four screws and washers
(5) Solder the lead removed in step a(11) to
securing coaxial circulator lA9HYI to the transmitter
ground terminal E2 on the right side of the filter
frequency mixer stage 1AS enclosure
(7) Using a 5,'16-inch open end wrench,
(6) Position the filter assembly to align its
loosen the nut securing coaxial cable 1A9W2 to the
mounting holes with the mounting holes in the top of the
INPUT J1 connector on coaxial circulator IA9HY1.
cabinet. Secure the filter assembly to the cabinet using
(8) Carefully slide coaxial circulator 1A9HY1
the four filter assembly mount ing screws and washers
toward the) bottom of the transmitter frequency mider
removed in step a(10) above.
stage IA9 enclosure until the connector pin in coaxial
(7) terminal board lA15TB4 into position and
cable 1A9W2 is free.
solder the four wires removed in step a (9).
(9) Lift coax:
al circulator IA9HY1 for
(8) Replace the filter clamp and secure in
clearance and disconnect coaxial cable 1A9W3 from the
place using the four screws removed In step n(8).
OUTPUT J3 connector on coaxial circulator lA9HY1.
(9) Reposition
(10) Remove coaxial circulator IA9HY1 from
connectors, lowered in step a[(5) and (7) above, so that
the transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure.
the connectors are in position for securing to the top of
electrical equipment cabinet 1A15.
Secure the
b. Replacement
connectors with the hex-nuts and washers removed in
step a(4) and (6).
(1) Insert replacement coaxial circulator
(10) Replace power supply 1A1(para 3-22g (6)
1A9HY1 into the transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9
through (10)).
enclosure and connect coaxial cable 1A9W8 to the
(11) Connect cables disconnected in a(8)
OUTPUT J3 connector on coaxial circulator IA9HY1.
(2) Carefully mate the connector pin on
(12) Restore power to T-1054/GRC-144
coaxial cable 1A9U'2 to the INPUT JI connector on
coaxial circulator 1A9HY1 and then tighten the
connector nut on coaxial cable 1A9W2.
3-26. Replacement of Coaxial Circulator 1A9HY1
(3) Install the four screws and washers
securing coaxial circulator I A9HY1 to the transmitter
frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure, but do not tighten
a. Removal.
the four screws at this time.
(1) Set POWER ON/OFF switch on meter
(4) Install crystal mixer IA9A1 into the
panel assembly 1A15A8 to OFF.
transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9 enclosure
Change 1
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