| ![]() TM 11-820-695-35
characteristic of the linear amplifier.
Above a
to change from green to amber and ringing tone to be
predetermined value the output of the amplifier follows
applied to the speaker. Diode CR6 protects against
the limiting action of the silicon diode. Voltage regulator
transient voltages when relay K1 is deenergized.
VR1 provides a regulated supply voltage for the peak
(3) Capacitors C3 and C4 are used to
limiter circuits. Handset H-156/U orderwire, 1.1 kHz test
decouple the power supply inputs to 1A13A4. Resistor
tone, or the 4 kHz oscillator test signal is applied to
R8 provides the proper output level from A2 for
amplifier A2 (peak limiter A) through capacitor C7 and
monitoring purposes. Resistor R19 couples the 1.6 kHz
resistor network R19 and R24. The proper handset level
tone to the speaker volume control No. 1 when relay K1
is obtained through voltage divider network R16 and
is energized.
R17. Resistors R14 and R15 provide proper input levels
for the 4 kHz and 11 kHz signals. Resistor R23
2-55. Daughter Board No. o Assembly 1A13A5
minimizes input offset voltage and R25 sets the
Circuit Functioning (fig. 5-44)
operating point of amplifier A2 to provide the proper
Daughter board No. 5 assembly contains the 1.6 kHz
peak limiting.
Minimum output offset voltage is
oscillator circuit, peak limiter circuits, and amplifier
obtained with R26. The output of peak limiter A is
circuits. Each circuit is described in the following
coupled through capacitor C6 and resistor R27 to
potentiometer R28. The remote phone orderwire hybrid
input, ring input 1.6 kHz, or the 4 kHz test signal is
applied to amplifier A3 (peak limiter B) through resistor
Amplifiers A1 through A5 and voltage
divider networks R29 through R33. These inputs are
regulator VR1 on board 1A13A5 are
coupled to peak limiter B through capacitor C9 and
integrated circuits: A1 (type U5B
resistors R34 and R37. Operation and component
770231X), A2 and A3 (type CA3001),
function for peak limiter B is identical to that for peak
A4 and A5 (type MC1533G), and VR1
limiter A above. The +6 volts required for the peak
(type MC1560G). A circuit diagram of
limiters is established in VR1 by resistors R35 and R36.
each circuit is provided in figure 5-
Resistor R38 is a current limiting resistor and capacitor
C10 reduces output noise. The 6 volt output of VR1 is
filtered by capacitor C11 and is applied to peak limiters
a. 1.6 kHz Oscillator Circuit. The 1.6 kHz oscillator
A and B through blocking diode CR2. The output of
generates a 1.6 kHz signal which is used for ringing and
peak limiter A appears across potentiometer R28 and is
also for part of the 1.1/1.6 kHz alternating alarm signal.
coupled to amplifier AS (pin 1) through capacitor C13.
The circuit is comprised of transistor circuit Q1, 1.6 kHz
Peak limiter A output is also applied to orderwire
tuned circuit Z1, and amplifier A1 (osc amplifier).
amplifier No. 2 through pin F. The output of peak limiter
Transistor circuit Q1 and 1.6kHz tuned circuit Z1 form a
B appears across potentiometer R43 and is coupled to
modified Colpitts oscillator circuit. The oscillator control
amplifier A5 (pin 2) through capacitor C14 and to
signal is coupled to the emitter of Q1 through diode CR1
orderwire amplifier No. 6 through pin 6. Amplifier AS
and pin C. The oscillator can be turned on by the RING
provides a gain of 100. Operation and component
switch on meter panel assembly 1A15A8, the MODULE
function of amplifier A5 is identical to amplifier
TEST selector switch on 1A13A1 or the central alarm
1A13A3A1 (para 2-53b). The output of amplifier A5
circuits on 1A13A2 The 1.6 KHz oscillator output is
appears across potentiometer R50 and is coupled-to
applied to amplifier A1 via capacitors C1 and C2.
amplifier A4 (pin 1) through capacitor C21 and to
Amplifier A1 is a general purpose operational amplifier
orderwire amplifier No. 3 through orderwire amplifier
which provides minimum distortion and isolates the
No. 5 inputs are supplied to amplifier A4 (pin 2) through
oscillator from the output circuits. The 1.6 kHz oscillator
capacitor C22. Amplifier A4 provides a gain of 100 and
and amplifier circuit and component function is identical
is identical to amplifier A6. The output of A4 is applied
with that of the 4 32 kHz oscillator described in
to the transmitters orderwire circuits (TO RADIO OW)
3kHz low pass filter FL1, transformer T1, and output
pins 13 and 14. Filter FL1 sharply attenuates signals
b. Peak Limiters and Amplifier Circuits. Linear
above 3kHz; consequently, the 4 kHz test signal is not
amplifiers A2 and A3 are used as peak limiter circuits.
The purpose of the peak limiter circuits is to prevent the
input signals from exceeding a predetermined level.
Peak limiting is accomplished by utilizing the diode
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