| ![]() TM 11-820-695-35
the recovered orderwire signal is coupled to the
alarm signal (1.1/1.6 kHz). The oscillator circuit is
orderwire circuits by transformer T2, resistors R10 and
comprised of transistor circuit Q7, 1.1 kHz tuned circuit
R9, and contacts 4 and 6 of relay K1. When a pan
Z1, and amplifier A1. Transistor circuit Q7 and 1.1 kHz
alarm condition occurs, the ground return is removed
tuned circuit Z1 form a modified Colpitts oscillator.
from pin H and relay K1 becomes deenergized. R11 is
Resistors R22 and R33 are a voltage divider and
a dropping resistor in the relay coil circuit. With K1
develop the bias on the base of Q7. R24, R25, and R26
deenergized, the ow-pcm bypass signal (pin D) is
are the Q7 emitter resistors and provide dc bias and ac
applied to the orderwire circuits by contacts 8 and 6 of
impedance. Potentiometer R25 controls the ac input
relay K1. Since the orderwire signal is part of the
level to amplifier A1. The oscillating frequency is
receiver traffic signal, orderwire communication is
determined by the 1.1 kHz tuned circuit. The oscillator
maintained when a pcm failure occurs.
turn-on signal is coupled through diode CR10 from the
multivibrator circuit Q1 and Q2, the MODULE TEST
switch on 1A13A1, or the TEST TONE switch on
b. Amplifier A1. Amplifier A1 (o.w. ampl 3)
1A13A1. When the oscillator is turned on, the 1.1 kHz
amplifies orderwire signals for application to the through
output of Z1 is fed back to the emitter circuit of Q7. The
orderwire transmit terminals (pins 11 and 12). The
amplified signal developed at the collector of Q7
recovered order wire 4 kHz input (orderwire test signal),
sustains oscillation. Capacitors C9 and C10 and R27
or the ow-pcm bypass signals are applied to the
and R24 couple the 1.1 kHz output to operational
noninverting input (pin 2) of amplifier A1 through
amplifier A1. R28 and R31 provide input loading for
capacitor C2. Resistor R2 provides symmetrical loading
amplifier A1. In addition, R31 and R128 form the
to the noninverting input of A1. The ow ampl 3 input
feedback path which determines the amplifier gain. R32
signals are applied to the inverting input (pin 1) of
is a bias load resistor. The A1 output is coupled through
amplifier A1 through capacitor C1. Amplifier A1 has an
resistor R35. C13 and C14 are stabilizing capacitors
input impedance of approximately 1 negohm and an
preventing high frequency oscillations. Amplifier A1 is a
output impedance of approximately 100 ohms. The
general purpose operational amplifier which provides
amplifier gain is approximately 100 which is determined
minimum distortion and isolates the oscillator from the
by resistor R1 and resistor R3. Capacitors C3, C4, and
output circuits. A circuit diagram of amplifier A1
C5, and resistor R6 provide stabilization. The output
(integrated circuit U5B770231X) is provided in figure 5-
(pin 5) is coupled to the through orderwire transmit
terminals by capacitor C6, resistor R5, 3 kHz low pass
filter FL1, and transformer T1. Filter FL1 sharply
c. Filtering Components. C11, C12, and C17 are
attenuates signals above 3kHz, consequently, the 4 kHz
filter capacitors for the power supply circuits. C3 and C4
test signal cannot appear at the through orderwire
are spike suppression capacitors for high frequency.
transmit terminals. The 4kHz is routed to orderwire
amplifier No.
3 monitor circuits through pin E.
Resistors R6, R7, and R8 provide an impedance match
2-53. Daughter Board No. 3 Assembly 1A13A3
between the filter and transformer T1.
Circuit Functioning (fig. 5-42)
Daughter board No. 3 assembly 1A13A3 contains the
pcm alarm circuit and amplifier circuits A1 and A2.
c. Amplifier AS. Amplifier A2 amplifies orderwire
Each circuit is described in the following paragraphs.
amplifier No. 2 input signals for application to the
orderwire hybrid terminal (pin 8). Orderwire signals
(through orderwire receive and recovered orderwire) are
Amplifiers A1 and A2 are integrated
applied to the inverting input (pin 1) of amplifier A2
circuits (type MC1533G). A circuit
through capacitor C7 and resistor R12.
diagram is provided for these circuits
noninverting input (pin 2) receives the orderwire
in figure 5-24.
amplifier No. 2 inputs (pin 9) through capacitor C8.
Resistors R14 and R12 determine the gain of A2 and
R13 provides a symmetrical input into the non-inverting
a. PCM Alarm Circuit. The pcm alarm circuit
input (pin 2).
Capacitors C12 and C13 provide
(relay K1) connects either the recovered orderwire
stabilization. The output of A2 is applied to filter FL2
signal (pins N and S) or the receiver traffic signal (OW-
through C14 and R16. R17, R18 and R19 provide an
PCM BYPASS, pin D) to the orderwire circuits. For
output T pad for filter FL2.
normal conditions, a ground return is present at pin H
causing relay K1 to be energized. With K,1 energized,
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