| ![]() TM 11-820-695-35
kHz test signal is not applied to Handset H-156/U.
R20 couples the output signal to the remote signal/alarm
Resistor R14 matches the output impedance of the
amplifier to the filter circuit. Resistors R15-R17 form an
d. Filtering Components. Capacitors C9 and C10
The output of amplifier A2 is also applied to the speaker
are filter components for the power supply circuits.
amplifier circuit through resistor R18 and pin 12 and to
the 1.6 kHz monitor through resistor R20.
2-54. Daughter Board No. 4 Assembly 1A13A4
Circuit Functioning (fig. 5-43)
b. 1.6 kHz Monitor Circuit. The 1.6 kHz monitor
Daughter board No. 4 assembly 1A13A4 contains
circuit detects the orderwire amplifier 6 input (1.6 kHz
amplifier circuits and the 1.6 kHz monitor circuit. Each
ringing signal). The circuit is comprised of tuned circuit
circuit is described in the following paragraphs.
Z1, amplifiers AS and A4, a level discriminator circuit,
and relay K1. When the 1.6 kHz ringing signal is
detected, relay K1 becomes energized causing the 1.6
kHz ringing signal to be applied to the speaker volume
Amplifiers A1 and A2 are type
control circuit No. 1 through pin 13. Also, the RING
MC1533G integrated circuits and
indicator on the meter panel assembly 1A15A8 changes
amplifiers A3 and A4 are type CA3035
from green to amber.
integrated circuits. A circuit diagram
for each of these circuits is provided
(1) A 1.6 kHz signal at the output of amplifier
in figure 5-24.
A2 is passed by means of voltage dividing resistors R20
through R25, through the 1.6 kHz tuned circuit, and
capacitor 016 to amplifier AB. A3 is comprised of three
signals for application to the speaker amplifier 6 monitor
amplifier stages. Pin 1 is the input and pin 3 is the
circuit, and orderwire amplifier 4 monitor circuit.
output of the first stage of AG. The first stage is a
Through orderwire receive oz 4.02 kHz test signals are
frequency reject circuit in that a level will appear at pin 3
applied to the inverting input (pin 1) of amplifier All (ow
only when a 1.6 kHz signal is present. R27 provides
ampl 4). The through orderwire receive signal is applied
negative feedback for gain stabilization. Pin 3 is
through pins 6 and H, transformer T1, resistors R13, R7,
connected to the input (pin 4) of the second stage
and R1 and capacitor C1. The 4.02 kHz test signal is
through resistor R26 and capacitor C15. The output of
applied through pin F, resistors R7 and R1, and
the second stage is pin 5. (The third stage of amplifier
capacitor C1.
The orderwire amplifier inputs, are
A3 is not used.) The output of the first and second
applied to the noninverting input (pin 2) of amplifier A1
stages are coupled to the level discriminator circuit
through pin M and capacitor C2. The amplifier provides
(diodes CR1 through CR5 and resistor R28) through
a gain of approximately 100. Circuit operation and
capacitor C17 and C18.
component function is the same as described in
(2) The output of the level discriminator
(pin 5) of amplifier A1 is coupled through capacitor C8
circuit is applied to the input (pin 1) of amplifier A4
and resistor R5, appears across potentiometer R6, and
through filter network R29, R30, and C19. Amplifier A4
is applied through pin 1 to orderwire amplifier No. 2.
is the same type of circuit as amplifier A3; however, the
The output of A1 is also applied to the inverting input
third stage of A4 is used (input-pin 6, output-pin 7).
(pin 1)of amplifier A2 through coupling capacitor C9.
Resistors R32 and R31 are input resistors for the second
Also the 4.02 kHz test signal is applied to the inverting
and third stages. When no signal or a signal other than
input of A2 through pin E, resistors R6 and R9, and
1.6 kHz 40 Hz is applied to amplifier 3, the amplitude-
capacitor C9. The orderwire amplifier 6 remote input
phase detector circuit causes the output of A4 to be high
signals are applied to the noninverting input (across
(+12v). For this condition, relay K1 is deenergized.
R10) of amplifier A2 through pin N and coupling
When the ringing signal (1.6 KHz 40 Hz) is applied to
capacitor C10. Amplifier A2 provides a gain of 100 and
amplifier A3, the level discriminator causes the output of
operates the same as amplifier 1A13A3A1 (para 253).
A4 to be low (0 volt). For this condition, relay K1 is
The output of amplifier A2 is coupled through capacitor
energized causing the RING indicator on the meter
C14 and 3 kHz low pass filter FL1 to Handset H-156/U
by the handset rev -terminal (pin L) Filter FL1 sharply
attenuates signals above 3 kHz, consequently, the 4.02
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