| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
signal is also used for output signal level monitoring and
load (L106, R133) and the negative feedback circuit
metering as described in paragraph 2-35a(4).
(L105, R131, R132, C127). The output at Q106 is
coupled to power amplifier stage Q108 through an
Frequency Control Circuits.
Refer to
operates from a regulated +12 vdc supplied by voltage
regulator stage Q107. The output at Q108 (nominal
2W) is developed across collector load L112 and
Transmitter Frequency Mixer Stage 1A9
coupled through frequency response control network
Circuit Functioning (fig. 2-16)
L113, C146 and C148, through output decoupling
network R154, R155 and R156 and through impedance
The transmitter frequency mixer stage
matching network L117, C154 and C155. The output
mixes the 4.55 to 4.85 GHz signal from the frequency
signal (150 MHz OUTPUT) is routed to frequency mixer
multiplier chain with the 150 MHz fm modulated signal
stage 1A9 (para 2-36). A sample of the frequency
from radio transmitter modulator 1A8 to produce the 4.4
modulated 150 MHz output signal is coupled through
to 5.0 GHz transmit carrier frequency. The mixer
attenuator network R157, R68 and R74 to mixer
consists of crystal mixer 1A9A1 and coaxial circulator
transformer T3 in the frequency control circuits. This
2-74.2 Change 6
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