| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
set the bias for emitter follower A2D. The output A2-D
ulator differential amplifier. Diodes CR14 and CR15
is routed from load resistor R7 through coupling
comprise a limiter, which limits the voltage amplitude at
capacitor C4 to alarm monitor 1A4, and to the meter
the input to CR12 and CR13.
selector switch on meter panel assembly 1A15A8
through attenuator assembly 1A3. With the meter
Resistor R78 and capacitor C69 are used to set the ac
selector switch in the TRAFFIC position, the meter
ground point. Resistors R68 and R69 are diode load
indicates the presence of a baseband signal at the
resistors. The circuit is arranged so that the FREQ
modulator input.
CONT lead at P1-8 is positive with respect to the FREQ
CONT RETURN lead at P11 when the modulator
frequency is high. A metering signal (CENTER FREQ
METERING) is also applied to the meter selector switch
through metering resistors R71, and R72.
Amplifiers A1 and A2 are integrated
circuits. Al is type A702 and A2 is
(3) The supply voltage (+15 volts) is
type CA3018.
These circuits are
supplied from an external source to P113. Inductors IA,
illustrated in figure 5-24('11).
L19, 121, and L22, and capacitors C&3, C66, and C67
provide power supply isolation. The + 16 volts is
(e) Differential amplifier A2A and A2B is
applied to J6 through R67 for monitoring.
driven by the low level dc correction signal from
electronic frequency control 1A7. Resistors R10, R11,
Radio Transmitter T-1054(P)/GRC144(V)
R12, and R13 provide bias for the base circuits and
Modulator 1A8 Circuit Functioning (fig. 5-26)
R16, R17, and R18 set the emitter voltages. C9 through
Radio transmitter modulator 1A8 is comprised of
C13 are bypass capacitors. The correction signal is
modulator circuits and frequency control circuits. The
applied between the bases of A2A and A2B through
modulator circuits produce a 160 MHz subcarrier which
isolating resistors R20 and R21,. With no driving signal
is frequency modulated by the baseband input signal
present, both transistors will conduct. Since they are
(pcm/ow). The frequency control circuits produce a 70
identically biased, their collector currents will be
MHz signal (sample of modulator frequency) which is
essentially equal. Therefore the output of A2A (junction
applied to electronic frequency control 1A7 where it is
of RP4 and R16) will be positive with respect to the
compared with a precise, locally generated, 70 MHz
output of A2B (collector of A2B). This results in a
signal. A dc signal, proportional to the modulator
reverse bias being impressed (through isolating resistor
frequency error, is generated in electronic frequency
R77 and rf choke L3, IA) across varactor diodes CR1
control 1A7 and applied to the modulator circuits for
and CR2 in the 160 MHz voltage controlled oscillator.
center frequency correction (para 2-34).
When the correction signal at A2A goes positive with
respect to A2B, A2A will conduct more and A2B will
Modator Circuits. The modulator circuits
conduct less. With increased current through collector
consist of a baseband amplifier, differential amplifier,
resistor R14, the output voltage of A2A will decrease.
160 MHz voltage controlled oscillator, and limiter-
Similarly, the output (collector) voltage of A2B will
amplifier stages.
increase because of the reduced voltage drop across
R19. Thus, the voltage difference between these
The pcm/ow input at J1, is applied to
outputs decreases resulting in a decrease in the bias
operational amplifier Al through coupling capacitor C28
voltage applied to the varactor diodes in the 160 MHz
from parallel terminating resistors R1 and R2. Variable
voltage controlled oscillator. It will also be seen that
resistor R2, is a front panel control which is used to
when A2B input signal is positive with respect to A2A,
adjust the baseband level into the vco, thereby setting
the bias applied to the 160 MHz voltage controlled
the system deviation. Resistors R4 and R6 establish
oscillator will increase. EFC DISABLE switch S1 is
bias and C3 provides bypass. Resistors R6, R8, R29,
connected across the error signal input from electronic
and capacitors C5 and C6 are compensation elements
frequency control 1A7. With this switch closed, the error
which set the gain and shape the amplifier response.
signal is disabled, and A2A and A2B conduct under
The supply voltage to this stage is BY % passed by C8.
internal bias conditions. The EFC DISABLE switch is
The output at pin 7 of Al is applied from load resistor
R67 to the tank circuit of the 150 MHz vco, through
coupling capacitor C7. Emitter follower A2D, also
connected to the input at J11 through coupling capacitor
C1, samples the baseband input. Resistors R3 and R9
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