| ![]() TM 11-5820-69-35
Q14 goes to ground through R63 which is also
and the signal from the reference crystal oscillator.
connected to the 'base circuit of Q12 through R58 to
provide a dc bias at Q12. Bypass capacitor 062
(1) Both the primary and secondary of
prevents positive feedback to Q12. The output of Q14
T11 are tuned to 70 MHz. Connector J4 (TP4 DISCR) is
is developed across R62 and is dc coupled to the base
used for observing the response during alignment.
of emitter follower Q15. Resistor R65 in the emitter
Tuning is accomplished by means of variable capacitors
circuit of Q15 and Q13 provides negative feedback to
C52 and C53. Q11 output is connected to the primary
Q13. The output of the agc amplifier appears at Q15
at terminal 3 through parasitic suppressor resistor R50,
emitter across R64 and R65, and is coupled to the
and to the secondary center tap (terminal '5) through dc
phase detector through C65 and R66. Power supply
blocking capacitor 051. At resonance (input signal at 70
decoupling is provided by L20 and C59.
MHz), the voltages across two halves of the secondary
are in guadrature with the voltage across the primary
Phase Detector. The output from the agc
and in opposition to each other. When the input signal
frequency is higher or lower than the resonant
amplifier is an ac square wave with the peak amplitude
frequency, the phase angle between one half of the
representing the frequency difference between the
secondary and primary will be greater than 90 degrees.
sampled modulator frequency and the reference crystal
The phase angle between the other half secondary and :
oscillator frequency. However, the signal does not
the primary will be less than 90 degrees, and as in the
identify whether the modulator frequency is high or low.
resonant conditions will be 180 degrees out of phase
This information is provided by the phase detector. The
with the other half secondary.
phase detector is comprised of transformer T2, detector
diodes CR12 and CR-13, and associated components.
(2) The signal at the anodes of CR10 and
CR11, are the vector sums of the primary and
(1) The Q15 output is applied to the
associated half secondary voltages. At resonance, they
primary of T2 where high frequency components are
will be of equal amplitude; in all other cases they will be
bypassed by capacitor C64. This signal is also applied
unequal. The circuit is arranged so that CR10 anode
to J5 (TP3) for monitoring. The drive to the secondary
voltage exceeds that at CR11 anode when the input
center tap is supplied by the Q4, Q5 multivibrator
frequency is below resonance, resulting in a positive
through R27 of emitter follower Q6, coupling capacitor
signal appearing at R,55. Each diode conducts when its
C31, and R36. Emitter follower Q6 is driven through
anode is positive with respect to its cathode. Thus
R74 from the square wave used to trigger the diode gate
CR10, conducts on one half cycle, while CR11,
which controls the modulator frequency sample input.
conducts during the next half cycle. Consequently, the
This signal also appears at J2 (TP) and is used as an
output from the discriminator is the difference between
oscilloscope sync for waveforms taken at J3, J4, and J5.
the two. At resonance, the levels are equal and the
The positive portion of the signal from Q6 is
output is zero. Above resonance the signal at CR11 is
synchronized with the half cycle from Q1,5 and
higher and therefore a negative signal is produced.
corresponds to the modulator frequency error signal.
Actually, because of the phase difference between the
two voltages, the output is a pulsating wave with a
(2) During the positive half cycle of the
repetition rate at the input frequency. This wave is
gating pulse, diodes CR12 and CR13, conduct. The
average by RC network ('R55, C56) to produce an
ground return for this current path is located in the
essentially dc level.
differential amplifier in the modulator module. When
the modulator error signal is positive during this period a
AC Amplifier. The discriminator square
current flows through resistor R70 from top to bottom.
Conversely, when the modulator error signal is negative,
wave output is amplified in an ac amplifier chain
the current flows from bottom to top of R70. When the
consisting of transistor stages Q12, Q13, Q14, and
gating signal goes negative, both diodes are back
Q115. Negative feedback is employed for stabilization.
biased and only a small current flows through R70.
The input appears at Q12 base through R57 and C57,
Thus, the phase detector output is a positive or negative
which, drives Q13, and Q12 emitter being tied directly to
square wave above or below the zero axis. The square
Q13 base. To prevent positive feedback, Q12 collector
wave is converted to a dc signal by RC networks in the
is isolated by R61 and bypassed by a capacitor C58.
The output of Q13 is developed across R59 and is dc
coupled to Q14 base. Bypass capacitor C60 removes
high frequency components from Q14. The input to
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