| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
characteristic, known as junction barrier potential.
while adjusting the 150 MHz voltage controlled oscillator
Essentially this means that, with forward voltage applied
center frequency.
to the diode forward conduction cannot start until the
(3) The 150 MHz voltage controlled
junction barrier potential is exceeded.
In silicon
oscillator consists of transistor Q11, bias resistors R22,
junctions this potential is approximately 0.65 volt.
R23, R24, R26, coupling capacitors C16, C18, bypass
During the positive half cycle of the signal, CR3 is
capacitors C14, C17, C19, C20 and tank circuit L2, C16,
forward biased while CR4 is reversed biased. When the
CR1, CR2, R73. Varactor diodes CR11 and CR2 are
instantaneous signal level reaches approximately 0.05
always operated reverse biased.
They exhibit an
volt, OCR conducts bypassing higher levels through
inverse square law capacitance reverse bias
bypass capacitor C24 to ground. During the negative
characteristic, that is, the capacitance varies
half cycle, the bias conditions of CR3 and CR4 are
approximately as the inverse of the square root of the
reversed. At an instantaneous )signal level of -0.65 volt,
reverse bias voltage. By varying the bias voltage, or
CR4 conducts, bypassing higher amplitude (more
baseband input signal, the resonant frequency of the
negative) voltages to ground. Thus, the output of
tank is made to vary. With only the bias voltage from
limiter-amplifier stage Q3 is a frequency modulated sine
the differential amplifier applied, the tank resonant
wave, but clipped at a peak amplitude of _+0.65 volts.
frequency will determine the oscillator frequency. If the
The output of Q6 is coupled through capacitor C25 to
bias is increased, the diode capacitance will decrease,
amplifier Q4, which in turn is coupled through capacitor
causing the tank to resonate at the higher frequency.
C27 to amplifier Q8. Transistor Q4 and Q8 are
Similarly, a decrease in bias will cause a decrease in the
conventional, dc biased voltage amplifiers. Biasing is
resonant frequency. Since this bias voltage represents
by means of resistors ,R85, R36, R37, and R54, R05
the center frequency error, as detected in electronic
and R56. C29 and C48 are emitter bypass capacitors.
frequency control 11A7, the voltage controlled oscillator
At each amplifier output (Q4 and QS) is a low pass
center frequency follows the frequency of the reference
matching section consisting of L23, C28 and L16, C47.
oscillator in electronic frequency control 1A7. The
center frequency is initially set during alignment by
generated by the clipping action in the limiter. Q4 is
means of front panel variable capacitor C15. If a
decoupled from the 28v supply by L22, ?R72, FLM, and
baseband signal is applied at the junction of CR1' and
L5. L17, FF16, and L15 provide isolation for Q8.
CR2, the frequency will be made to vary about the
Capacitor C49 couples the output of Q8 to power
center frequency; thereby producing a frequency
amplifier Q9, which operates class C. The operating
modulated 160 MHz output. Since electronic frequency
point is set by bias resistors R69 and R70. Resistor R9
control 1A7 senses the average frequency, it only
is variable and permits bias adjustment. L18, R71, and
corrects for center frequency drift and has no effect on
FL8 block signal currents from the bias circuit. The Q9
the frequency modulation of the carrier. The output
collector output is tuned by L19 and C01 and coupled by
across load resistor R25 is applied to emitter follower
C52 to low pass filter L20 and C63.
The filter
Q2 which prevents loading of the 150 MHz voltage
suppresses harmonics produced in the amplifier. This
controlled oscillator stage. The collector of this stage is
stage is decoupled from the 28v supply by FL?, C50,
bypassed by C21 and its output is developed across
054, and L21. The filter output (frequency modulated
R27. The output of Q2 is applied through coupling
150 MHz signal) is applied to transmitter frequency
capacitor C22 and resistor R28 to the base of limiter-
mixer stage 1A9 via connector P1 (1'50 MHz OUTPUT)
amplifier stage QS.
and attenuator/matching network R63, R64, R65 and to
the meter selector switch on meter panel assembly
(4) Limiter-amplifier Q3 amplifies the
11A15A8 through a metering circuit and pin P8-9
input signal. The operating point of Q3 is set by biasing
(OUTPUT LEVEL METERING). The metering circuit
resistors R31, P,2, and R34 and load resistor R33. The
consists of coupling capacitor C60, load resistors R'59
emitter is bypassed by capacitor C26 and provides
and R61 diode detector CR10, and metering resistors
power supply isolation. Diode limiter CR3, CR4, and
R62 and R66. Resistor R66 is variable and is used to
C24 is connected to the Q3 collector output. Its purpose
adjust the meter deflection. Capacitor C61 bypasses
is to prevent amplitude variations (amplitude
ripple. The 150 MHz output of low pass filter L20 and
modulation) from appearing at the modulator output.
C53 is also applied to transformer mixer T3 in
CR3 and CR4 are silicon diodes and the limiting action
is achieved by utilizing a semiconductor junction
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