| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
(3) The frequency of 150 MHz VO) Q103
the same.
The paragraphs below highlight the
is determined by resonant circuit C114, L103 and the
capacity of varactor diodes CR101 and CR102.
Varactor diodes CR101 and CR102 are always operated
Modulator Circuits.
reverse biased. They exhibit an inverse square law
capacitance-reverse bias characteristic, that is, the
The data/orderwire signal at J1 INPlT
capacitance varies approximately as the inverse of the
is coupled through C157 to switch BANDSET S102.
square root of the reverse bias voltage. By varying the
Switch S102 either couples the signal straight through or
bias voltage, or baseband input signal, the resonant
through unity gain inverter amplifier Q11. At the output
frequency of the tank is made to vary. With only the
side of S102, the signal is connected to switch
bias voltage from the differential amplifier applied, the
BANDSET S101 and to emitter follower stage Q10. The
tank resonant frequency will determine the oscillator
output of Q10 is coupled through C4 and routed through
If the bias is increased the diode
P1-8 to attenuator assembly 1A3. Switch S101 couples
capacitance will decrease, causing the tank to resonate
the signal straight through for C-band position and
at the higher frequency. Similarly, a decrease in bias
through 10 dB attenuator R101/R102 for K-band
will cause decrease in the resonant frequency. Since
position. The signal at the output side of S101 is
this bias voltage represents the center frequency error,
applied to the input of the baseband amplifier through
as detected in electronic frequency control 1A7, the
the network R148, R149, R103 and C140. The input
voltage controlled oscillator center frequency follows the
level is set at R149 to provide a modulation index of 20
frequency of the reference oscillator in electronic
MHz/volt. The output of the 3-stage baseband amplifier
frequency control 1A7. The center frequency is initially
is coupled into the VDC stage Q103 through the
set during alignment by means of front panel variable
baseband frequency response control network C109,
capacitor C114. If a baseband signal is applied at the
R113, R117, L102. The center frequency of the VGC is
junction of CR1 and CR2, the frequency will be made to
controlled by a dc signal from differential amplifier
vary about the center frequency; thereby producing a
A101, and the VGO is frequency modulated by the
frequency modulated 150 MHz output. Since electronic
signal from the baseband amplifier.
frequency control 1A7 senses the average frequency, it
only corrects for center frequency drift and has no effect
(2) Differential amplifier A101 is driven
on the frequency modulation of the carrier. The output
by the frequency correction signal from frequency
across load resistor R120 is applied to buffer stage
control 1A7 (P1-6, -7). A reference voltage derived
Q109 through C116 and the buffer output is coupled
from +15 vdc through R115, R116, C152 and CR105 is
through C119 to the input of 3-stage limiter amplifier
applied through R150 at A101-3. AFC disable switch S1
Q104, Q105 and Q106. Diodes CR103 and CRl04 limit
in the input circuit is normally open and it is used to set
the output level to 0 dBm +3 dB.
the output level of A101. With S1 closed, R116 is
adjusted to provide an output level of +5 vdc at A101-6.
(4) The three stages of the limiter
The AFC signal from 1A7 is applied to differential
amplifier operate at saturation level and provide an
amplifier A101 through R20 and R144. With an AFC
amplitude limited output level of +28 dBmn at the
signal applied (S1 open), the output at A101-6 varies
collector of Q106. The middle stage, Q105, has a
above or below +5 V' according to the AFC error
network to provide for flat frequency response across
voltage. The output signal at A101-6 is applied through
the bandwidth. This network is comprised of the
decoupling network R153, R118, C111, C113 and L102
to the cathodes of varactor diodes CR101 and CR102.
Change 6 2-74.1
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