| ![]() lector mechanism housing assem-
and secure it with the three audio
a n d c o n t r o l c h a s s i s captive
bly (fig. 38).
(5) Remove the five selector mech-
anism securing screws that se-
cure the selector mechanism hous-
ing assembly to the front panel.
(6) Separate the selector mechanism
housing assembly from the front
a. Removal.
panel by tapping the receiver-
(1) Remove the front panel (para 47).
transmitter tuning knobs gently.
(2) Remove the receiver-transmitter
b. Replacement.
tuning knobs as follows (fig. 40):
(1) Reassemble the selector mech-
Note: Removal of the mc and the kc tun-
anism housing assembly and front
ing knob assemblies from their respective
shafts is identical. Removal of the kc
(2) Replace the five selector mech-
stop assembly can be accomplished with-
out disassembling the kc tuning knob as-
anism securing screws that secure
sembly. Removal of the mc stop assembly
the selector mechanism housing
and plate mounting, however, requires the
assembly to the front panel.
disassembly and removal of the entire mc
tuning knob assembly.
(3) Replace the dust seal.
(4) Replace the BAND switch knob to
(a) Remove the roll pin that retains
the wingnut on the selector mech-
the shaft and secure the knob with
the BAND switch retaining screw.
anism shaft.
(b) Remove the wingnut, lockwasher,
(5) Replace the receiver-transmitter
flat washer, and upper knob.
tuning knobs as follows:
(c) Remove the tru-arc retaining
(a) Replace, the stop assembly (PRE-
ring from the sleeve assembly
SET mechanical lever) on the kc
and remove the retaining washer
tuning knob shaft and secure it
and spring.
to the front panel with two screws
(d) Remove the lower knob.
and two washers.
(e) Remove the spring pin that se-
(b) Replace the stop assembly and
cures the sleeve assembly to the
plate mounting (PRESET mech-
anical lever) on the mc tuning
selector mechanism shaft.
knob shaft and secure with the
(f) Remove the sleeve assembly.
(g) Remove the stop assembly and
four fillister head screws around
plate mounting (PRESET mech-
the shaft.
anical lever) on the mc tuning
(c) Replace the sleeve assembly.
(d) Replace the spring pin that se-
knob shaft by removing the four
cures the sleeve assembly to
fillister head. screws around the
the shaft.
(e) Replace the lower knob.
(h) Remove the stop assembly (PRE-
SET mechanical lever) on the kc
(f) Replace the spring, retaining
washer, and tru-arc retaining
tuning knob shaft by removing the
two screws and two washers that
(g) Replace the upper knob.
secure it to the front panel.
(h) Replace the flat washer, lock-
(3) Remove the BAND switch retaining
washer, and wingnut.
s c r e w that secures the BAND
(i) Replace the roll pin that retains
switch knob (fig. 37) to the shaft
wingnut on shaft.
and remove the BAND switch knob.
(4) Remove the dust seal from the se-
(6) Replace front panel (para 47b).
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