shafts of tuning capacitors C1 and
Fourth echelon maintenance includes
Remove the two screws that se-
those functions allocated to third echelon
cure the selector mechanism hous-
maintenance (ch 3). In addition, it also
ing assembly to the chassis.
includes removal and replacement of the
Remove the six screws that se-
front panel and the selector mechanism
cure the front panel to the chassis
housing assembly, and alignment of tuning
(fig. 31).
capacitors C1 and C2.
Remove the nuts (fig. 37) on the
front panel that secure the AUDIO
connectors in place.
Remove the POWER connector nut
a. Removal.
(fig. 37).
(1) Remove modules A2, A6, A 10, and
Remove the VOLUME control re-
taining screw and the VOLUME
(2) Remove the Allen head screw that
control knob (fig. 37). A retaining
secures the module band position-
nut, and a lockwasher are under
ing arm to the yoke assembly (fig.
the knob; remove them.
Remove the function switch retain-
(3) Remove the lamp receptacle screw
ing screw and the function switch
and its lockwasher and flatwasher
knob. A retaining nut is under the
knob; remove it.
tacle and the lamp.
Gently pull the front panel awav
(4) Loosen the three audio and control
from the chassis. -
chassis captive screws that secure
Note: It may be necessary to loosen or
the audio and control chassis, and
remove the three screws that secure the
swing the chassis away (fig. 36).
(5) Unsolder and tag the wire con-
front panel so that the POWER connector
can be worked loose.
nected to the contact on left side
b. Replacement.
of tuning capacitor C2 (fig. 39).
(1) Secure the POWER and AUDIO con-
(6) Unsolder and tag the shield and
nectors in their respective open-
center conductor of the coaxial
ings on the front panel with the
cable connected to ANT connector
retaining nut.
(fig. 39).
Note: If necessary, tighten the three
(7) Remove the two clamps that secure
screws that secure the antenna loading
the electrical leads to the selector
network to the f r o n t panel after the
mechanism housing assembly (fig.
POWER connector has been replaced.
(2) Replace the function switch shaft
(8) Remove the two screws that secure
nut and knob.
the relay socket to the spacer legs
(3) Replace the star washer, retaining
and remove the assembly (fig. 39).
nut, knob, the VOLUME control,
(9) Remove the four screws that se-
the lockwasher, nut, and knob.
cure the two tuning capacitors C1
(4) Replace the six screws that
and C2 to the selector mechanism
secure the chassis to the front
housing assembly.
(10) Loosen the clamps around the
(5) Rep1ace the two screws that
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