| ![]() secure the selector mechanism
above to the contact on the left
housing assembly to the chassis.
side of tuning capacitor C2.
(6) Replace tuning capacitors C1 and
Replace the lamp in the lamp re-
C2 and secure them with four
ceptacle and s e cure it to the
selector mechanism housing as-
Note: Do not tighten the clamp on the
sembly with the flat washer, lock-
shaft of tuning capacitors C1 and C2 at
washer, and screw.
this time.
Place the module band position-
(7) Replace the relay socket assembly
ing arm into the yoke assembly
on the spacer legs and secure it
and secure with the Allen head
with screws.
(8) Replace the clamps that secure the
Replace modules A2, A6, A10, and
electrical leads to the selector
A16 (TM 11-5820-398-20, para 10).
mechanism housing assembly.
Align tuning capacitors C1 and C2
(9) Solder the shield and center con-
ductor to ANT connector J2.
(10) Solder the wire removed in a(5)
Close the audio and control chassis
Radio RT-505/PRC-25,
bottom v i e w , d i s a s s e m b l y .
Figure 35. R e c e i v e r - T r a n s m i t t e r ,
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