trol settings unless specifically directed.
49. General
a. Remove module A8 from the chassis.
a. Scope of Fourth Eohelon Alignment
b. Adjust the RT-505/PRC-25 tuning
Procedures. Fourth echelon alignment
knobs for 30.00 mc and set the BAND
consists of aligning tuning capacitors C1
switch at 30-52.
and C2. These capacitors must be aligned
c. Use a Ballantine Direct Capacity
whenever the front panel is replaced, or
Meter Model 520, or equivalent. Connect
whenever tuning capacitor C1 or C2 is
the ground lead of the 520 to the RT-
505/PRC-25 chassis.
b. Equipment Required.
A Ballan-
d. Connect the other lead from the 520
tine Direct Capacity Meter Model 520 or
to the stator section of tuning capacitor
equivalent is required.
C1 at (A8), pin 6 (fig. 31).
e. Set the 520 to the X10 uuf scale,
loosen the clamp on the C1 tuning shaft,
and adjust the shaft of tuning capacitor
C1 for an indication of 6.8 on the 520.
Align tuning capacitor C1 as outlined in
Note: Check to see that this adjustment has been
made on the proper side of the capacity-per-degree
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