| ![]() TM 11-6660-204-25
(1) If noise appears on the oscilloscope at the
bottom of the waveform (1, fig. 4-19), try counter-
Do not turn either potentiometer, espe-
clockwise rotation of potentiometer R306 and clock-
cially R306, too far counterclockwise be-
wise rotation of potentiometer R304.
cause high frequency signals may be lost.
(2) If noise appears on the oscilloscope at the top
Changes should be made in small incre-
of the waveform (2, fig. 4-19), try clockwise rotation
ments and the effect of each change should
of potentiometer R306 and counterclockwise rota-
be checked carefully. Counterclockwise ro-
tion of potentiometer R304.
tation of potentiometers R304 and R306
(3) If noise appears on the oscilloscope at the top
tends to increase the response time of the
and bottom of the waveform (3, fig. 4-19), try coun
circuit to sudden drops in signal ampli-
terclockwise rotation of potentiometer R304 and
Change 3
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