| ![]() b. The 400-700-mc rf tuner is mounted
brought into alignment, decrease the
on the left side of tuning unit 4. To remove
MICROVOLTS control setting on the tun-
t h e three covers from the rf tuner, pro-
ing unit 3 signal generator and the GAIN
control setting on tuning unit 3 (if neces-
ceed as follows:
s a r y ) to maintain an onscale panel meter
(1) Loosen the two screws that secure
t h e adjustable slide for the V504
tube clamp to the side cover. Push
d. Working from the tube socket side
o f the 42-mc if. amplifier subassembly,
the slide up toward the top of the
a d j u s t the cores of transformers T506,
tuning unit to the limit of its travel.
T h i s action removes a plexiglas
T505, and T504, in this sequence, to obtain
a further peak indication on the panel
t u b e clamp on the interior of the
t u n e r from the top of oscillator
tube V504.
e. T h e 4 2 - m c i f . p r e a m p l i f i e r s u b -
assembly is also mounted at the top of the
(2) T i g h t e n the two screws to secure
t h e adjustable slide in its highest
t u n i n g unit, with its electron tubes in an
position of travel.
i n v e r t e d position. Working only from the
e l e c t r o n tube side of this subassembly,
Caution: Failure to move the ad-
adjust the cores of 2502, Z501, and T501,
j u s t a b l e slide as far as possible
in this sequence, to obtain a higher indi-
before removing the s i d e cover
cation on the panel meter.
may result in breaking the glass
Note: Do not adjust the tunable core of if. trans-
envelope of the oscillator tube.
former T502. T502 is adjusted for peak tuning dur-
ing the alignment of the 400-700-mc rf tuner (para
(3) Remove the 10 screws and washers
t h a t secure the side cover to the
f. After c o m p 1 e t i n g the procedures
4 0 0 - 7 0 0 - m c tuner. Lift the side
given in a through e above, align signal
c o v e r off and place it on a clean
peaking coil L535 in if. cathode follower
s u r f a c e , free of grease and metal
stage V512, by following the identical pro-
c e d u r e as outlined in paragraph 93f for
(4) T o gain access to the plates of
tuning unit 3.
tuning capacitor C520, remove the
g. After completing the alignment of the
four s c r e w s and washers that
i f . amplifier (a through f above), discon-
secure the top cover to the tuner.
nect the output of the tuning unit 3 signal
Lift the top cover off and place it
generator from input jack J509 on the pre-
on a clean surface.
a m p l i f i e r . R e c o n n e c t plug P509, which
(5) To gain access to the crystal diode
terminates the output cable from the 400-
c o m p a r t m e n t , r e m o v e t h e four
7 0 0 - m c tuner, to jack J509. This proce-
screws and washers that secure the
dure enables the output of the 400-700-mc
Z-shaped cover to the bottom area
t u n e r to pass through the if. amplifier,
of the tuner. Lift the Z-shaped
through the detector and electrometer
cover off to gain access to crystal
a s s e m b l y , and to the metering circuit in
d i o d e CR502, inductor L514, and
the main unit.
fixed capacitor C523.
97. Alignment of 400-700-Mc Rf Tuner,
c. Inject the unmodulated output of the
t u n i n g unit 4 signal generator (para 81)
Tuning Unit 4
t o the main unit front-panel SIGNAL IN-
PUT jack. The coaxial cable assembly
a. Align the 400-700-mc rf tuner while
( t y p e 84-Z2-3) supplied with the tuning
t h e tuning unit is operating outside the
unit 4 signal generator is terminated in a
main unit. Use the test harness (fig. 46),
UG-21B/U at each end; therefore, no adap-
w i t h the front-panel controls set to the
t e r is required for mating the main unit
p o s i t i o n s listed in para 88c, except for
s e t t i n g the FREQUENCY RAN G E-MC
d. Allow tuning unit 4, the main unit, and
switch to the 400-700-mc position.
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