| ![]() o f Cable, Radio Frequency RG-5B/U that
a phenolic tube, approximately 8 inches
a r e taped together at frequent intervals
long by 7/8 inch diameter, with a N-type
t o prevent shifting in their relative posi-
c o n n e c t o r at one end, and with a rubber
t i o n s . One length of RG-5B/U is termi-
f u n n e l to protect the operator from acci-
nated in N-type connectors P2201 and
dental contact with high voltage. The op-
P 2 2 0 2 . Each connector has a red plastic
p o s i t e end of the device is the closed
band identifying it as the proper pair for
p h e n o l i c end of the tube, which protects
c o u p l i n g the rf incoming signal from the
the uninsulated end of a 6-inch length of
s i g n a l pickup device in use to the main
N o . 14AWG bus bar. Since no electro-
unit front-panel SIGNAL INPUT jack. The
s t a t i c shield is used on the device, the
second length of RG5B/U is also ter-
a p p r o x i m a t e 1/4-inch length of uninsu-
m i n a t e d in N-type connectors, but these
l a t e d bus bar wire functions as a pickup
two plugs are designated P2203 and P2204.
for the electric field component of rf
Each of these latter connectors has a
n o i s e signals. T h e signal is conducted
g r e e n plastic band identifying it as the
to the test set by connecting the red color-
p r o p e r pair for coupling the calibrating
coded cable of Cable Assembly Set, Elec-
signal from the main unit IMPULSE OUT-
MX-3410/URM-85 between the
P U T jack to the correspondingly color-
probe connector, P2901, and the main unit
c o d e d impulse signal connector on the
S I G N A L INPUT jack. The signal is con-
t h r e e signal pickup devices that employ
v e n t i o n a l l y amplified, detected, and pre-
t h e series method of calibrating the test
sented on the test set panel-mounted
m e t e r for relative indications of electric
field strength or leakage of noise signals
d . Cable Assembly, Power, Electrical
f r o m various types of electrical machin-
of three-conductor cable connects the main
ery and/or electronic `equipment.
u n i t front-panel POWER receptacle to a
b. Multimeter, Remote ME-204/URM-
s o u r c e of power 110-125 volts, 50-400-
cps. One end of the ac power cable is ter-
s i g n a l level indications are required at
minated in a three-socket female-type
a remote location from the front panel of
M S 3 1 0 6 - 1 4 S - 1 S connector (P2401) and
the main unit. The distance from the front
connects to the front-panel POWER recep-
p a n e l is limited to the 30-foot length of
tacle. The other end of this ac power cable
Cord Assembly, Electrical CX-4305/U,
i s terminated in a two-prong male-type
w h i c h interconnects the front panel RE-
p l u g , UP-120M (P2402) and connects to
CORDER EXT METER jack to the remote
either a wall receptacle (from which 110-
meter jack J1201. Inserting one telephone
1 2 5 - v o l t , 50-400 -cps, 100-volt ampere
plug PJ-068, which terminates one end of
p o w e r is available) or the AC OUTPUT
t h e CX-4305/U, into the main unit RE-
r e c e p t a c l e on Transformer, Power, Iso-
CORDER EXT METER jack removes
l a t i o n and Step-Down TF-248/G. A bat-
m e t e r multiplier resistor R725 from the
t e r y clip, attached to plug UP-120M by
metering signal path in the main unit
an 8-inch length of insulated wire, is
p r o v i d e d for connecting the third con-
p l u g , PJ-068, which terminates the op-
d u c t o r in the ac power cable to conduit
p o s i t e end of the CX4305/U, creates a
o r earth ground.
n e w path of continuity for the metering
e. C a b l e Assembly, Special Purpose,
signal. T h e r e s i s t a n c e o f m e t e r m o v e -
Electrical B ra n c h e d CX-6681/URM-85
ment M1201 is substituted for meter
multiplier resistor R725, and identical
a p p l y operating voltages and to couple
m e t e r pointer deflections are presented
signals to and from the main unit when a
simultaneously on both the panel-mounted
m e t e r and the remote meter.
t u n i n g unit i S being aligned or repaired.
The main branch of the cable is 30-inches
c. Cable Assembly Set, Electrical MX-
l o n g and serves the following functions:
p o n e n t consists of two 30-foot lengths
(1) Male connector P901. C o n n e c t o r
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