| ![]() coaxial cables, one for each dipole
calibration of the test set i s a c -
a r m , to the balun. The input side
c o m p l i s h e d by injecting a S i g n a l
o f the balun is also balanced so
f r o m the impulse generator to the
that both arms of the antenna s e e
a t t e n u a t o r network housed in the
the same impedance. The length of
c o u p l e r . The signal path is from
t h e coaxial cables is critical for
t h e main unit IMPULSE OUTPUT
optimum phasing and a low voltage
front-panel jack, through the green
s t a n d i n g wave ratio over the fre-
color-coded cable of Cable As-
q u e n c y band. Since the phenolic
s e m b l y Set, Electrical MX-3410/
b o o m is too short for a straight
URM-85 and connector jack J2003.
run of coaxial cables over the 20-
The calibrating voltage is then
applied to a 10-to-1 voltage-
to 220-mc band, the remaining
lengths of the cables are wound on
d i v i d e r network which consists of
a bakelite form within the balun
R2001 shunted by R2002; this
results in a 20-db signal loss. The
(2) U n b a l a n c e d output connector. E s-
calibrating signal from the impulse
s e n t i a l l y , the actual coupling be-
generator circuit is injected in
t w e e n the input and output cir-
series with the incoming rf signal
cuits consists of two 1-turn loops
(identical with the method used in
o f wire coupled together. The rf
l o o p antenna and the vertical an-
e n e r g y from the balanced coaxial
c a b l e s is coupled into the N-type
o u t p u t connector, P1701, which
brating voltage causes a current to
mates with the input end of the red
flow through the same circuit path
color-coded cable of Cable As-
a s that of the unknown signal. In
s e m b l y Set, Electrical MX-3410/
t h i s manner, a direct comparison
URM-85. The far end of this cable
of the amplitude of the rf incoming
a p p l i e s the rf signal to the main
signal, w i t h r e f e r e n c e t o t h e
unit SIGNAL INPUT jack for ampli-
i m p u l s e generator signal, is ob-
ficiation, detection, a n d m e t e r
t a i n e d without introducing trans-
Presentation on the test set.
f o r m a t i o n factors.
d. Coupler, Antenna CU-894/URM-85
c. C o u p l e r Antenna CU-893/URM-85
(E, fig. 38). Coupler, Antenna CU-894/
(E, fig. 38). Coupler Antenna CU-893/
U R M - 8 5 is used for picking up radiated
U R M - 8 5 is used for picking up radiated
signals over the frequency range from 200-
signals over the frequency range from 20
to 400-mc (corresponding to the range of
to 220-mc (corresponding to the range of
tuning unit 3). This coupler functions
tuning unit 2). It consists of a phenolic tube
i d e n t i c a l l y with the CU-893/URM-85 (c
w h i c h functions as a supporting boom, a
above). At one end of the boom, its block
block assembly at one end of the boom, and
assembly is physically constructed of
a balanced-to-unbalanced transformer
p l e x i g l a s s instead of phenolic material;
(balun) at the opposite end of the boom, the
i n addition, the CU-894/URM-85 output
purpose of the block assembly is to serve
connector at the balun end of the boom is
a s a means of physical attachment and
d e s i g n a t e d reference symbol J1803.
electrical connection for the two arms of a
e. Antenna AT-1030/URM-85. Antenna
telescopic dipole antenna. The purpose of
AT-1030/URM-85 is used for picking up
the balun is to convert the balanced input
r a d i a t e d signals over the frequency range
feeding system, which consists of the two
f r o m 400- to 1,000-mc (corresponding to
dipole arms, into an unbalanced feed which
the range of tuning unit 4). Although this
c o n s i s t s of the single coaxial terminating
a n t e n n a is not shown in figure 38, it is
c o n n e c t o r P1701.
identical in cirouit analysis with the CU-
(1) Balanced input system B a l a n c e d
8 9 3 / U R M - 8 5 (C above) and the CU-894/
output frowm the center of the an-
URM-85 (d above) except for the addition
tenna is fed through a pair of
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