| ![]() housing which has two spring-loaded
f u n c t i o n s as a counterpoise to simulate
binding posts at one end and an N-type con-
earth ground. At the curved top surface of
nector at the opposite end. The uninsulated
t h e cone, three sockets are provided to
e n d s of two wire leads, which are con-
accept the specific number of Mast
nected to the audio or powerline at their
Sections (AB-21/GR) required for res-
opposite ends, are inserted into the binding
onating with the rf signal under measure-
m e n t , as illustrated in TM 11-6625-351-
posts. Any dc voltage present on the lines
under measurement is blocked by coupling
1 2 . The rf signal is conducted from the
capacitors C1401 and C1402. The rf signal
b a s e of the sockets within the antenna
at connector jack J1401 is coupled through
housing by a wire post to the modified N-
the red color-coded coaxial cable of Cable
t y p e terminating connector P1601 at the
A s s e m b l y Set, Electrical MX-3410/URM-
b a s e of the cone-shaped structure. The
85 to the main unit SIGNAL INPUT jack
outside shell of connector P1601 is
f o r amplification, detection, and meter
grounded through the unbalanced injection
block (Coupler, Antenna CU-895/URM-85)
e . Coupler, Radio Frequency Interfer-
a n d the rf cables to the ground potential
of the main unit panel.
c o n d u c t rf signals or noise interference
b. C o u p l e r, Antenna CU-895/URM-85
s i g n a l s from approximately 500-ohm im-
(C, fig. 38). This coupler, housed in an
p e d a n c e two-wire audio-signal or elec-
i r r e g u l a r - s h a p e d metal and plastic con-
t r i c a l powerlines in the 150-kc to 30-mc
tainer, is provided as a means of coupling
f r e q u e n c y range, another capacitive-type
t h e output of Antenna AS-1158/URM-85
pickup device is employed. Similar in con-
( a above) to the test set. One connector
struction and function to the CU-891/URM-
j a c k , J2002, located at one end of the
8 5 (d above), this coupler has one addi-
coupler, mates the N-type connector plug,
tional circuit component. Resistor R1501,
P 1 6 0 1 , which terminates the base of the
i n series with the ungrounded lead from
b r o a d b a n d antenna. Two connector jacks,
t h e audio-line or powerline coupling ca-
J 2 0 0 1 and J2003, are located adjacent to
p a c i t o r C1501, serves as an impedance-
each other at the opposite end of the
m a t c h i n g device. Effectively, it converts
coupler. These connectors function as
t h e approximate 500-ohm input line to a
5 0 - o h m coaxial cable jack J1501 to the
(1) Rf s i g n a 1 path connector J2001.
50-ohm impedance so that maximum power
The rf signal is coupled from input
transfer from connector jack J1501 to the
connector J2002 direct to rf output
5 0 - o h m coaxial cable can be effected.
c o n n e c t o r J2001. The red color-
c o d e d coaxial cable of Cable As-
A g a i n , the red color-coded coaxial cable
o f Cable Assembly Set, Electrical MX-
s e m b l y Set, Electrical MX-3410/
3410/URM-85 conducts the rf signal to the
U R M - 8 5 interconnects output jack
main unit front-panel SIGNAL INPUT jack
J2001 to the main unit front-panel
f o r amplification, detection, and meter
SIGNAL INPUT jack. Since the
outer shell of the SIGNAL INPUT
jack is at chassis ground potential,
t h e outer shell of jack J2001 and
60. Minor Components for Use with Tuning
the counterpoise are also con-
Units 2, 3, and 4
ducted through to ground potential.
The rf signal is conventionally am-
plified and detected in the test set
c o n e (broadband) antenna (F, fig. 38) is
for presentation on the panel-
u s e d as a nondirectional, relatively con-
m o u n t e d meter.
stant impedance antenna over the wide fre-
q u e n c y range from 20 to 1,000 mc with
connector J2003. When the broad-
t u n i n g units 2, 3, and 4. In operation, it
b a n d antenna over the frequency
is mounted on the AT-1027/URM-85, which
range from 20 to 1,000 mc is used,
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