| ![]() m a i n unit receptacle J701 to the mating
of main unit receptacle J701. These ter-
plug on the tuning unit.
m i n a l s supply heater power for electrom-
h. +300- Volt Dc Power Circuit.
e t e r V3, in the detector and electrometer
s e c o n d a r y winding (terminals 6 and 7)
assembly of the tuning unit. Resistor R775
steps up the input voltage to 500-volts. The
i s a voltage-dropping resistor.
voltage is r e c t i f i e d by a half-wave
e. 1.2- Volt Dc Power Circuit for Elec-
m e t a l l i c - t y p e rectifier CR705. The recti-
trometer V4. One secondary winding (ter-
f i e r output is filtered by a pi-type net-
minals 8, 9, and 10) of T702 performs the
work which consists of resistor R779 and
same function as that described in d above.
the two sections of a dual capacitor C733.
Crystal rectifiers CR703 and CR704, con-
Resistor R781 is the voltage-dropping re-
n e c t e d in a full-wave circuit, rectify the
sistor for the series -connected regulators
s e c o n d a r y voltage. The output is filtered
V706 and V707, which holds the output at
by a pi-section filter that consists of
3 0 0 - v o l t s . Resistor R782 is a voltage-
variable resistor R778 and capacitors
d r o p p i n g resistor. The output can be re-
C731 and C732. Resistor R778 is used to
v e r s e d in polarity by setting POLARITY
adjust the dc output to 1.2 -volts, which is
s w i t c h S709 to either its plus or minus
c o n n e c t e d to contacts 9 and 11 of main
p o s i t i o n . T h e terminals of this double-
unit receptacle J701. These terminals
p o l e double-throw (dpdt) switch are tied
s u p p l y heater power for electrometer V4,
to both the negative 150-volt output (from
i n the detector and electrometer assembly
V 7 0 9 ) and the positive 150-volt output
o f the tuning unit. Resistor R777 is a
( f r o m V704-V705) for reference. Circuit
v o l t a g e - d r o p p i n g resistor.
operation is as follows:
(1) The high side of variable resistor
f. 5.8- Volt Ac Power Circuit. One sec-
R 7 6 2 B is connected to the +150-
o n d a r y winding (terminals 14 and 16) of
volt output of rectifiers V704 and
T 7 0 2 provides heater current for audio
V 7 0 5 . The low side of R762B is
a m p l i f i e r V701 and for the two detector
connected to chassis ground. When
stages housed `in the tuning unit. Potenti-
POLARITY switch S709 is set to its
ometer R706 is connected across the 5.8-
+ position, the variable arm of
v o l t ac input to the heater terminals of
R762B has a path of continuity to
V701, pins 5 and 9. The arm of R706 oper-
t h e negative 300-volt output from
ates at chassis ground potential. The 5.8-
the cathode of regulator V707. This
v o l t ac input voltage across V701 heater
c i r c u i t arrangement can produce a
i s divided in half by setting the arm of
total usable output which is the sum
potentiometer R706 at the midpoint of its
o f +150-volts to chassis ground,
range. This setting of R706 tends to cancel
a n d the potential difference from
o u t any hum that may be picked up and
c h a s s i s ground to -300-volts. The
a m p l i f i e d by audio amplifier V701. The
t o t a l potential which can be ob-
f u l l 5.8-volts ac is available at terminals
tained across this network is 450-
5 and 6 of main unit receptacle J701. The
v o l t s . A variation of 150-volts is
m a t i n g plug at the rear of a tuning unit
o b t a i n e d by rotating the arm of
a p p l i e s this 5.8-volt ac heater power to
the two detector stages within the detector
trol R762. The setting of the poten-
a n d electrometer assembly.
t i o m e t e r determines the charging
voltage, applied through the 10-db
g. 6.3-Volt Ac Power Circuit. O n e
step coarse attenuator control S708
center-tapped secondary winding of trans-
to impulse generator G701. During
f o r m e r T702 (terminals 17 and 18) pro-
c a l i b r a t i o n of the equipment, the
vides heater current for all tubes and pilot
variable arm of R762 is set so that
l a m p s in the equipment, except for those
the output amplitude from impulse
tubes housed within the detector and elec-
generator G701 is equivalent to the
trometer assembly. Heat e r power is
o u t p u t from an external impulse
c o u p l e d through termimls 16 and 17 of
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