| ![]() dropping resistors. The fluctuating dc
pull through K703 signal coil, which re-
voltage is smoothed by a choke-input filter
c e i v e s energizing power from rectifiers
network consisting of L722A, C734A,
V704 and V705, and the pull of the springs.
L722B, and C73413. The +150-volt filtered
I f the current through the signal coil is
output is connected to terminal 2 of main
kept constant at a nominal value, the mag-
u n i t receptacle J701 as plate and screen
n e t i c pull will increase in a linear man-
v o l t a g e for all tubes in the tuning unit
n e r as the armature moves to close more
except the oscillator stage in the rf tuner.
and more fingers. The armature is in
mechanical equilibrium only when the
Resistor R785 serves as an additional
c u r r e n t flowing through signal coil K703
voltage-dropping resistor to develop a
+ 1 0 5 - v o l t output, which is controlled by
i s at its nominal B+ value. For all other
v o l t a g e regulator V708. This output is
v a l u e s of signal coil current, equilibrium
c o n n e c t e d to terminal 3 of J701 as plate
i s upset and the armature moves to open
voltage for the oscillator tubes in the
or close the contact fingers. Resistors
tuning unit.
R764 through R769 and R771 through R774
are connected into the control circuit path
b. - 150- Volt D C Power Circuit. T h e
from one side of interlock switch S711 to
full output (terminals 3 and 5) of T702 sec-
t e r m i n a l 1 of T702 primary winding.
ondary winding (a above) is also connected
T h e r e f o r e , the function of the vibrating-
to the cathodes of the dual full-wave recti-
type regulator is to control the amount of
fier CR706. The negative output is filtered
r e s i s t a n c e in the ac input power line cir-
by resistors R786 and R787 and capacitors
cuit. The B+ adjust control (R789) is used
C735 and C746. Resistor R788 is the
to set the nominal amount of current
v o l t a g e - d r o p p i n g resistor in series with
t h r o u g h K703 signal coil. Resistor R791
regulator V709, which holds the output at
functions as a current-limiting device and
-150-volts with respect to chassis ground.
i s connected between the output of recti-
This potential is used as grid and cathode
fiers V704-V705 and the B+ adjust control.
v o l t a g e by cathode follower stage V702,
Filter FL706 filters the current in the B+
as energizing voltage for the two relays in
l i n e ; resistor R763 functions as a further
t h e if. step attenuator of the tuning unit,
c u r r e n t - l i m i t i n g device for K703 signal
and as the source of bias voltage for the
if.. amplifiers in the tuning unit.
c. +6- Volt DC Power Circuit. C r y s t a l
15. Power Supply, Analysis of
rectifier CR707, connected in a half-wave
c i r c u i t , rectifies the 6.3-volt ac power
d e v e l o p e d across terminals 17 and 18 of
T h e power supply develops outputs of
T702. The dc output, filtered by capacitor
+150-volts, +105-volts, +6-volts, and
C 7 3 7 , is connected to calibration switch
-150-volts with respect to chassis ground.
S706, and is used to energize either
T w o additional outputs, each of 1.2-volts
coaxial relay K701 or K702, depending on
dc, are produced. A 5.8-volt ac and a 6.3-
the switch position.
v o l t ac output is developed for electron
d. 1.2- Volt DC Power Circuit for Elec-
tube heater power. A final circuit develops
trometer V3. One secondary winding (ter-
300-volts dc for use by the coaxial delay
minals 11, 12, and 13) steps down the ac
line charging circuit of impulse generator
i n p u t voltage to 12.6-volts. Crystal recti-
fiers CR701 and CR702, connected in
a. +150- Volt and +105 Volt Dc Power
f u l l - w a v e circuit, rectify the secondary
C i r c u i t . One secondary winding (termi-
v o l t a g e . The output is filtered by a pi-
nals 3, 4, and 5) of T702 steps up the in-
s e c t i o n filter, consisting of variable re-
p u t voltage to 450-volts. Rectifier tubes
sistor R776 and capacitors C728 and
V704 and V705, connected in a full-wave
C729. Resistor R776 is used to adjust the
c i r c u i t , rectify the stepped up voltage.
d c output of the rectifiers to 1.2-volts,
Resistors R783 and R784 are voltage-
which is connected to terminals 8 and 10
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