| ![]() circuit within each rf tuner is a con-
detector-electrometer a s s e m b 1 y com-
ventional triode, operating in a tuned one-
p l e t e s the major subassemblies housed in
h a l f wavelength transmission line. The
this tuning unit.
heterodyne output of a silicon diode crystal
e. Section VI sets forth the distinctive
mixer is coupled to an if. preamplifier, a
features of tuning unit 4. This unit includes
t h r e e - s t e p if. attenuator, and a main if.
two separate rf tuners, each of which em-
amplifier, identical with the signal path of
p l o y s a low-noise rf amplifier triode of
p l a n a r electrode construction, operating,
t u n i n g unit 3. The detector electrometer
a s s e m b 1 y completes the components
in a tuned coaxial one-quarter wavelength
housed in this tuning unit.
transmission line. The local oscillator
metering circuit to produce a meter indi-
8. Block Diagram of Main Unit
c a t i o n . Signal flow in each circuit is as
a . Cathode Follower V702A. The input
five circuits which are housed in the main
to V702A is coupled from electrometer V3
u n i t . These circuits are the audio ampli-
in the tuning unit m through terminal 8 of
f i e r , the cathode follower and meter, the
main unit connector J701. The input signal
rf input and impulse generator, the signal
amplitude at V702A is the same as the in-
a t t e n u a t o r , and the power supply. For a
p u t signal amplitude at electrometer V3,
c o m p l e t e schematic diagram of the main
b e c a u s e of the extremely high-impedance
u n i t , refer to figure 98. A block diagram
characteristics of the electrometer cir-
description of these five major circuits is
given in paragraphs 9 through 13. Circuit
b . Cathode Follower V702B. The input
description of individual stages of the main
to V702B is coupled from electrometer V4
unit is given in paragraphs 14 through 24.
i n the tuning unit through terminal 11 of
main unit connector J701. The input signal
9. Block Diagram of Audio Amplifier
amplitude at V702B is approximately one-
third of the input signal amplitude to the
d e t e c t o r and electrometer assembly. This
This circuit receives its driving voltage
reduction in signal amplitude is caused by
f r o m audio detector V1 in the detector-
a voltage-divider network at the input to
e l e c t r o m e t e r assembly through terminal
A1 of main unit jack J701 and the corre-
meter detector V2. Therefore, cathode fol-
sponding terminal on the tuning unit plug.
lower V702B produces a smaller amplitude
s i g n a l than cathode follower V702A. The
The output of the audio amplifier produces
an aural signal which is monitored by con-
d i f f e r e n c e in the outputs of V702B and
n e c t i n g one or two headsets i n t o the
V702A is applied to the metering circuit.
PHONES jacks provided on the main unit
11. Block Diagram of Rf Input and
f r o n t panel.
Impulse Generator Circuits
10. Block Diagram of Cathode Followers
and Metering Circuit
Since the rf input circuit and the impulse
g e n e r a t o r circuits are closely interrelated
in signal flow, this paragraph describes the
Cathode followers V702A and V702B re-
c e i v e separate input signals from the de-
effect of the front-panel calibration switch
t e c t o r and electrometer assembly within
on their circuit operation. The positioning
each tuning unit. Each section of the cathode
o f the calibration switch depends on the
f o l l o w e r reproduces its input signal and
a n t e n n a or coupler which is used at the
applies the difference in amplitude to the
input to the test set. Shunt calibration (a
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