| ![]() TM 11-5820-918-13
3.60 MHz input from the synthesizer (1/20 of the synthesizer output before down con-
version) goes to terminal XF1 and is gated for two milliseconds into a 4-decade counter
(U4-U7) preloaded to 5980. The counters count up from 5980 the number of cycles
in the two-millisecond period. (For example, 2.11 MHz yields 4200 cycles in two mil-
liseconds which when added to 5980 yields 10200. The most significant digit (1) is
discarded and a frequency readout of 2.00 MHz is displayed. The resultant trans-
mit frequency is then latched for one counter cycle by latches U12-U15 and is then
switched to the display drivers via 2-to-1 multiplexer U20-U23.
blanker section provides the storage capability for 16 frequencies used to blank the
transmitter output. The transmitter output is blanked for 10 kHz about the stored
frequency. U30, U31, and U32 are 64-bit, random access memories in which sixteen
4-bit BCD numbers may be stored. The frequency to be blanked and one of 16 pos-
sible memory channels are entered by front panel thumbwheel switches. Pressing
the STORE switch with the RUN/PROG switch in the PROG (program) position enters
the frequency into the selected channel location. Each channel location may be ex-
amined to determine what frequency is stored by pressing the DISPLAY switch.
During operation, all 16 channels are sequentially addressed by U45 every 10 kHz
step to the synthesizer output frequency. U9, U10, U17, U19, U25, U35, U36, and
associated circuits form a 4-decade BCD subtracter which subtracts 10 kHz from the
stored frequency and compares that result with the counter frequency (which is a
10 kHz behind the actual transmit frequency) in U8, U16, U24, and U34. If both fre-
quencies are equal, a pulse (XBO) is sent to the synthesizer (U27 and U28, figure
FO-5). The synthesizer then waits until the next 10 kHz increment and blanks the
output for 20 kHz.
ply circuit accepts 115 or 230 VAC at 47-440 Hz and produces the following outputs:
115 VAC 60 Hz - three independent supplies for the rear panel-mounted cooling
+27 VDC - five independent supplies for driver and power amplifier circuits;
+5 VDC - one supply for the front panel power indicator lamp.
The AC line input from the rear panel is RF filtered by FL1 and presented to the pri-
mary of transformer T1 via an input voltage selector switch (SW1) . The selector
switch is factor wired to the 115/230-volt terminals of T1. Some variations of input
voltages can be accommodated by changing transformer connection points as indicated
by the values shown at the taps of transformer T1 primary. Also connected to the
primary side of T1 are the AC-to-AC converters. These units are separately filtered
and convert 107 VAC at 47-440 Hz to 115 VAC at 60 Hz. They provide constant cooling
fan speed regardless of the input line frequency. The secondary winding of T1 sup-
plies voltage to five full wave bridge rectifiers (CR1-CR5). These rectifiers supply
35 volts to the voltage regulators A1, A2, and A3. Regulators A1 and A3 supply
four independent 27 VDC inputs to the power amplifier; and A2 supplies one 27 VDC
input to the driver amplifier. A single output from A3 is also regulated by integrated
circuit U4 to produce +5 volts for the front panel power-on lamp. Each of the five
27 VDC regulators is also connected to separate integrated circuit voltage regulators
for current limiting and voltage control. The regulated output voltages are adjusted
by potentiometers R33, R35, R31, and R37, while short-circuit, current-limiting
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