| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
h. Adjust R49 DC and R37 GAIN controls
until step e above is satisfied. R49
will move both traces up and down together
on the CRT; R37 will spread or com-
press the spacing between the traces for a
given audio frequency. Note that
these adjustments interact slightly so care
must be taken and adjustments repeated
until proper alignment is achieved.
If adjustment procedure time takes longer than one sweep of the RCS-4B
(280 seconds), allow second sweep to start under PROGRAM mode and then
repeat steps a and b above to verify sounder sync.
temperature controlled quartz crystal in the frequency standard will show effects
of precession (frequency change due to crystal aging) . When the rate of pre-
cession in the receiver and transmitters is not equal, the Chirpsounder record
displays may drift up or down on the receiver CRT display. Normally, a record
can be recentered on the CRT by means of the receiver SLIP control. If adjust-
ment of the SLIP control is required more than once in eight hours, there is need
to adjust the frequency standard. If all transmitter displays drift on the CRT in
the same direction, it is necessary to adjust the receiver frequency standard.
However, if at least one transmitter does not drift, or drifts in an opposite
direction, then adjustment of the TCS-4B transmitter frequency standard is re-
quired. The operator of the drifting transmitter should be notified and informed
as to the rate and direction of drift as observed on the receiver CRT. (For
example, Chirpsounder record drifts up 20% of CRT height per 24 hours.)
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