| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
low which turns on the green test lamp by means of Q2 and U8. If the test tone is
detected outside the window (either before or after), U4 goes high and Q1 turns
on the red test lamp. The 2-millisecond pulse at U10-10 delays the start of the test
tone detection sequence to skip over spurious noise signals that are occasionally
produced by the spectrum analyzer at the very beginning of its scan. If the
receiver is not sweeping when the TEST switch is pressed, U8-12 is low, and
the receiver sensitivity test is bypassed so that only the power supplies are tested.
The results of the receiver sensitivity test and the power supply test are ANDed
at U8-6 such that both tests must pass (when receiver is sweeping) before the
green test light turns on.
module consists of the 3-path programmer circuit 1A4A2 and the receiver control
circuit 1A4A1. Its function is to control the synchronized timing of the chirp
receiver relative to the transmitter for automatic time-programmed sounder
circuit uses three 60-minute timers and associated five-minute interval decoders
to perform the auto program starts. The 100-kHz clocks for the three timers
are obtained from the receiver control circuit (1A4A1). The clock for timer 1 is
applied to U67-5 (figure FO-12/2), the first of five cascaded decade counters.
The output appearing on U52-7 is one pulse/second. U27 (divide by 10) is the
"seconds" counter. U26, programmed to divide by six, is the " 10's of seconds"
counter. U25 and U33 work similarly for the minutes and ten's of minutes. The
other two timers are identical to timer 1. The clock circuits are powered from
the +5VB supply generated by the swtiching regulator (1A6A3). This supply
has a battery backup so timing synchronization is maintained during primary
line power failures. The timers are controlled by run /reset latches, formed by
U45, U43 and U34 (figure FO-12/1). U47-10 provides a momentary reset pulse
to the minutes and 10's of minutes counters when the front panel RESET push-
button is pressed. Actuation of the ADV TIMER pushbutton increments the
minutes counter by the addition of an advance timer pulse from U47-6. U16
through U23 (figure FO-12/3) form four, four-pole triple throw switches that
switch the BCD outputs of timer 1, timer 2, and timer 3 to the LED display.
The "minutes" outputs of each timer are decoded by 5-minute interval decoders
U13, U8 and U9 (figure FO-12/4). These decoders trigger one shots U68 and
U7 at the beginning of each 5-minute segment of the hour of their respective
timer. When the start of a 5-minute segment is decoded, four-pole, double-throw
switches U 12 and U 10 route the BCD outputs of the appropriate timer to U1.
U1 converts the four line, BDC, 5-minute segment time code, to a 1 out of
12 code.
4-26. The 12-output lines of U1 (figure FO- 12/4) are connected to the common
terminals of 12, single-pole, 4-throw switches on the front panel. U 1 provides
a low-going pulse output for approximately 50 microseconds (the period of the
one shots U68 and U7) on the line corresponding to the start of the particular
decoded 5-minute segment. The front panel switches select which path is
initiated for each 5-minute segment of the hour: 0 = no sweep, 1 = Path 1, 2 =
Path 2, 3 = Path 3. The three possible path lines (on J5- 16, -2, -15 respective-
ly) are gated by U4 with their respective timer pulse to produce an auto start
pulse at U5-6. U2 latches the path code for the 5-minute segment for use by
other circuits in the receiver.
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