| ![]() TM 11-5820-890-10-8
FCTN Switch: Run self-test (TEST).
FCTN Switch (Used with the INIT switch to):
Set RF Power (RF).
Set AT MODE (RT MODE), to include turning power off.
Change channels (CHAN).
Select COMSEC key (VAR).
Select CT or PT (COMSEC).
Control status (Should read "M").
INIT Switch: Used in conjunction with the FCTN switch to make
the changes cited above. Moving the INIT UP causes FCTN
markers to move to the right; moving it DOWN moves markers to
the left.
RADIO Switch: Selects the radio to be controlled.
Position 1 controls the RT in the A position of the VAA;
Position 2 controls the RT in the B position of the VAA, and,
Position 3 is for an RT in the A position of a second VAA.
To place the control monitor in operation and be assured it is
performing properly, follow the steps shown in Figure 4-30, below.
Set VAA CB1 to ON; VIC (if used) to ON; RT FCTN
to REM.
Test C-M: set C-M FCTN to TEST; check
displays; must read "Gd" and "M" or "S" at end of
Set RADIO switch to RT being controlled;
CONTROL must indicate "M" (if not set FCTN to
CONTROL and use INIT switch to change).
Check initial displays: RF at LO; RT MODE at SC;
CHAN at 0; COMSEC at PT; VAR blank (If display
shows "F7" lift INIT and release; "Ud" (update)
should then appear and controls show as above).
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