| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
When removing a defective part, be careful
not to damage leads or other parts by pulling or pushing
them out of the way.
For all removal and replacement of
units listed in the procedures not
Whenever replacing a part, install the new
described below refer to TM-11-5820-
part in the same position as the original. Use an exact
duplicate whenever possible.
3-19. General Parts Replacement Techniques
After a part has been replaced, perform the
testing procedures provided in section V of this chapter
Most parts in AN/GRC-144 Radio Sets are readily
to check that the equipment is operating properly.
accessible and can be replaced without special
procedures. The procedures required to remove or
Use a pencil-type soldering iron with a 25
replace piece parts and nonrepairable assemblies which
watt maximum heating capacity. If the iron must be
are not obvious or require the removal of one or more
used with ac, use an isolating transformer between the
parts are given in paragraphs 3-20 through 3-27
iron and the ac line. Do not use a soldering gun;
(Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) Repairs), 3-
damaging voltages can be induced in the equipment
38 through 3-52 (Receiver, Radio R-1467 (P)A/GRC-
144 Repairs), 3-53 (Indicator, Antenna Alignment ID-
1708/GRC Repairs) and 5-53.1 (Converter-Multiplier
If wiring must be replaced, use leads of the
CV3633/GRC-144(V) Repairs).
The following
same length and gauge if possible. With the exception
precautions apply when removing, replacing, or
of harness cabling, run the leads in the same manner as
repairing parts in AN/GRC-144(V) Radio Set.
the original wiring. For harness cabling, cut the old
conductor as short as possible without removing it from
the harness. Dress the new conductor along the
harness and spot tie it to the outside of the harness.
For Radio Set AN/GRC-144 (V)4, refer
Make connections to same terminals used in the original
to paragraph 3-53.1 and set the
wiring, even where there are alternatives which appear
Converter-Multiplier CV-3633 /GRC-
electrically equivalent.
144(V), status panel 3A8 POWER
ON/OFF switch 3A851 to OFF.
Make well-soldered connections, using no
more solder than is necessary. A carelessly soldered
Before removal or replacement of any part,
connection may create a new fault and is one of the
unless otherwise stated, remove power from the unit
most difficult, faults to find.
using the procedures in paragraph 3-20a or 3-38a.
Similarly, restore power to the unit (para 3-20b or 3-38b)
Do not allow drops of solder to fall into the
after the part has been replaced.
unit. Do not allow a soldering iron to come into contact
with insulation or parts that might be injured by
Exercise care when removing or replacing
excessive heat.
rigid coaxial cables. Detailed procedures are provided
in TM-11-5820695-12 for removal and replacement of
Do not disturb the setting of any
rigid coaxial cables.
uncalibrated control without redetermining its proper
setting before returning the equipment to service. If any
Tag all hardware and components during
switches are operated, return them to their original
removal procedures for correct identification during
replacement procedures. Before a part is unsoldered,
note the position of the leads. If the part has several
leads, tag each of the-leads, before unsoldering any of
Change 6 3-30.8
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