| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
a. Use of the Chart. The T-1054(P)/ GRC-144(V)
dures will isolate the fault to a replaceable component,
wire or piece part. If not, the localization procedure will
and T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V) troubleshooting chart (b
reference the isolation procedure to be used.
below) supplements the operational checks and
corrective measures contained in TM 11-5820-695-12 If
the operational checks and corrective measures in TM
d. Isolation.
When use of the localization
11-5820695-12 fail to correct the trouble or indicates
procedures fails to isolate the fault to a replaceable
that higher category maintenance is required, apply the
component, wire, or piece part; continuity and resistance
corrective action in the chart below. To use the chart,
checks must be made to isolate the fault. The trouble
read down the Symptom column of the troubleshooting
chart until the abnormal symptom or condition is found.
through 3-17 and 3-18.2 through 3-18.4) provide point-
Perform the corrective actions indicated in the chart
to-point continuity and resistence checks to isolate
until the abnormal symptom or condition is corrected.
defective wiring or circuit elements within Transmitter,
Radio T-1054(P)/ GRC-144(), T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V),
which will aid the maintenance man in locating parts.
1467(P)A/GRC-144 (V) and Converter-Multiplier CV-
3633/GRC144(V). The trouble isolation checks are
b. T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) and T-1054 (P)A/GRC-
referenced in the troubleshooting charts (para 3-6b, 2-
144(V) Troubleshooting Chart.
12b and 3-18.lb) and specify those sections of the-
trouble isolation checks that must be performed. A
resistance and capacitor color code diagram (fig. 5-1) is
Unless otherwise specified the
provided to aid maintenance personnel in determining
troubleshooting chart below pertains
the exact value, voltage rating, and tolerance of
to Transmitter, Radios T-1054(P)/ (C-
capacitors and resistors.
144(V) T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V). Refer
to figure 5-15 for T-1054(P)/GRC-
3-6. Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) and
144(V) interconnection diagram and
T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V) Troubleshooting Chart
refer to figure 5-15.1 for the T-
interconnection diagram. For Radio
115 vac is present in Transmitter,
Sets AN/GRC-144(V)3 and AN/GRC-
Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V). Do not
144(V)4, when the probable trouble
remove or replace parts nor perform
or corrective action columns refer to
continuity or resistance checks while
digital data modem chassis 1A12
primary power is applied to AN/GRC-
144(V) Radio Sets.
combiner 1A12 chassis (para 3-29.1).
Item No.
Probable trouble
Corrective action
5 AMP SLO-BLO fuse blows
a. Defective component or wire in
a. Remove power supply 1A1 (para
when replaced.
primary power distribution
3-22a) and electrical frequency
synthesizer 1A14 (para 331a)
from electrical equipment
cabinet 1A15. Insert replace-
ment fuse and then set POWER
ON/OFF switch on meter panel
assembly 1A15A8 to ON. If
replacement fuse blows, pro-
ceed to step d below. Other-
wise, proceed to steps b and
c below to isolate the fault.
Change 6 3-3
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