| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
connector plug P2 pins A6, A8 and A5, and rfi filters
3ATFLl through 3A7FL3. Filters, rfi 3A7FLl, 3A7FL2
and 3A7FL3 prevent unwanted interference of
This section covers the functioning of circuits used in
Converter-Multiplier Assembly CV-3633/GRC-144(V),
transformer 3A7T1 and amplifier-multiplier 3A5 heater
Unit 3. The coverage is not presented in sequential
circuits from entering into the operating circuits.
reference designation order but in the functional
operating sequence and is at the schematic diagram
level. Circuit functioning and schematic diagrams are
a. Transformer 3A7T1 is a step down transformer
not provided for the nonrepairable assemblies (i.e. BP
with a single primary and four secondary windings.
filters 3A3 and 3A4, circulator 3HY1, etc). Circuit
Each secondary winding is connected to power supply
descriptions for cabinet mounted components such as rfi
3A6 rectifying and control circuits (refer to paragraph 2-
filters are covered in this section.
All electrical
84 for circuit descriptions). The RMS voltage output of
equipment cabinet 3A7 mounted circuits and all
each transformer secondary winding is as follows:
interconnections in the CV-3633/GRC-144(V) are shown
in figure 5-98 and subassembly schematic diagrams are
shown in figures 5-99 through 5-106.
Chassis, Electrical Equipment 3A7
5-7 (CT)
7-2V RMS
Chassis, Electrical Equipment 3A7 contains all
necessary wiring that interconnect components of an
14.7V RMS
operable AN/CRC-144(V)4 radio set together. Primary
115-120 Vdc power (fig. 2-32) is applied and returned to
14.7V RMS
source through connector J1 at pins A, B and C. The
primary power is then distributed through terminal
b. Direct current (dc) power (fig. 2-33) is distributed
boards to Receiver, Radio R-1467(P)A/QCC-144 by
from power supply 3A6 through terminal boards to the
cable assembly connector P1 pins A, B and C and to the
CV-3633/GRC-144(V) amplifier-multiplier 3A5, alarm
status panel 3A8 by cable assembly connector P2, pins
monitor 3Al, frequency electronic converter 3A2, status
A1, A3 and A4. The status panel contains POWER
panel 3A8 and air flow sensor circuits consisting of
ON/OFF switch 3A8S1 and the necessary fuses to
thermostat 3A7S1 and air flow sensor 3A7S2. The
protect the CV-3633/GRC-144(V) circuits and is
power supply 3A6 +100 Vdc is applied to amplifier-
discussed in paragraph 2-83. When the status panel
multiplier 3A5 current regulator 3ASA8 circuits through
POWER ON/OFF switch is in the ON position, primary
connector XA5 pins 3 and 4. The power supply 3A6 +28
power is applied to power transformer 3A7T1 and
Vdc is applied to the
amplifier-multiplier 3A5 heater circuits consisting of
thermostat 3A5S1 and heater 3A5HR1 through
Change 6 2-126
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