| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
predetermined level, the dc voltage applied to the base
of Q5 is not sufficient to keep Q5 conducting. With Q5
Description (fig. 5-20)
turned off, Q6 turns on and Q7 turns off. For this
condition, a high impedance path to ground is applied to
Alarm-monitor 2A12 receives the traffic,
the traffic normal indicator lamp and a low impedance
carrier (if), and synthesizer monitor signals and controls
path to ground is applied to the traffic alarm indicator
associated alarm indicators on meter panel assembly
lamp. Consequently, the TRAF indication changes from
2A15A2. Depending upon the signal level received, the
green to red. Also with Q7 turned off, the Q7 output dc
associated indicator lights either green (normal
voltage is high enabling the OR gate which causes 023
indication) or red (alarm indication). Alarm-monitor
to turn on. With Q23 turned on, a receiver summary
2A12 also contains a summary alarm circuit which is
alarm indication is applied to r-1054(P)/GRC-144(V).
enabled when any one of the alarm condition occur.
The traffic monitor signal is received from af-rf amplifier
(2) The synthesizer monitor signal is received
2A4 and indicates the composite pcm and orderwire
from electrical frequency synthesizer 2A14 and is
signal level at the output of the R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V).
applied directly to Schmitt trigger circuit Q14 and Q15.
The synthesizer monitor signal is received from
Circuit operation is identical to that described above for
electrical frequency synthesizer 2A14 and indicates if
the traffic monitor circuit. If the synthesizer signal
the signals from radio frequency oscillator 2A14A1 and
exceeds a predetermined dc level, the SYNTH LOCK
standard radio frequency oscillator 2A14A7 are phase
indicator on 2A15A2 lights green (normal indication). If
locked. The carrier (if) monitor signal and associated
the synthesizer monitor signal is below the
reference signal are received from 70 MHz intermediate
predetermined level, the associated indicator lights red
frequency amplifier 2A5 and indicate if the 70 MHz if
(alarm indication) and, in addition, the summary alarm
carrier signal in 2A5 is above a predetermined level.
circuit is enabled.
(3) The carrier (if) monitor signal is received
indicators on meter panel assembly 2A15A2 are
from 70 MHz intermediate frequency amplifier 2A5
controlled by Schmitt trigger circuits in alarm monitor
along with a predetermined reference signal level. The
2A12. Each Schmitt trigger circuit causes as associated
two signals are applied to differential amplifier Q3 and
indicator to light green (normal indication) or red (alarm
Q4. The carrier (if) monitor signal is derived from the
indication). The input signals to the alarm monitor
agc signal developed in 2A5 (para 2-22 (2)). As the 70
control the operation of an associated Schmitt trigger
MHz if input level to 2A5 increases, the age signal
decreases; consequently, the carrier (if) monitor input to
the alarm monitor decreases. With the carrier (if)
(1) The traffic monitor signal is received from
monitor input at a lower level than the reference input to
af-rf amplifier 2A11 and is applied to operational
differential amplifier Q3 and Q4, the output of Q4 is
amplifier (integrated circuit) AR1 through an attenuator
high. The high output is applied through potentiometer
circuit. The operational amplifier output is detected by
R35 to Schmitt trigger Q17 and Q18. Potentiometer
detector CR1 and CR2 and applied as a traffic meter
R35 is used to set the input level to Schmitt trigger Q17
signal to the TRAFFIC position of the meter selector
and Q18. The high output from differential amplifier Q3
switch on 2A15A2 through potentiometer R8. The same
and Q4 causes Q17 to turn on, which in turn causes
output is also applied to Schmitt trigger circuit Q5 and
Q18 to turn off and Q19 to turn on. With Q19 turned on,
Q6 through emitter follower Q1. If the traffic monitor
the CARR IF indicator on meter panel assembly 2A15A2
signal exceeds a predetermined level, the dc voltage
lights green (normal indication). If the carrier (if)
developed by detector CR1 and CR2 will cause Q5 to
monitor signal input to differential amplifier Q3 and Q4
turn on causing Q6 to turn off and Q7 to turn on. With
is at a higher level than the predetermined reference
Q7 turned on, a low impedance path to ground is
input, Q17 turns off, Q18 turns on, and Q19 turns off
provided for the traffic normal indicator lamp, and the
causing the CARR IF indicator to change from green to
TRAF indicator lights green. Since Q6 is turned off, a
red. The red
high impedance path to ground is provided for the traffic
alarm indicator lamp (red) causing it to remain off.
When the input traffic monitor signal falls below the
Change 6
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