| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
2A11 consists of video amplifier stages Q1 and Q2 and
emitter follower Q3. The composite pcm and orderwire
Demodulator 2A4.
Demodulator 2A4
signal is applied to video amplifier stages Q1 and Q2
receives the 70 MHz IF signal from IF amplifier 2A5 and
through the TRAFFIC LEVEL ADJ control which is
demodulates the signal to provide the composite
adjusted to provide a 1.0 volt peak-to-peak output. The
data/orderwire ,baseband (video) signal. Input amplifier
composite pcm and orderwire signal is amplified by
video amplifier stages Q1 and Q2 and applied to the
frequency response control. Limiter stages Q3 through
output through emitter follower Q3. Emitter follower Q3
Q6 provide amplification with amplitude limiting. A
provides an impedance match between video amplifier
Crosby-type discriminator (CR8/CR9) converts the
Q2 and the output and also provides negative feedback
frequency variations of the frequency modulated IF
to video amplifier stage Q1. The amount of negative
signal into the video signal. Video amplifier stages Q9
feedback determines the overall gain and bandwidth of
and Q10 amplify the video signal and couple the output
af-rf amplifier 2A11. The pcm and orderwire (receiver
signal through emitter follower Q11 to low pass filter
traffic) output of 2A11 is applied to Transmitter, Radio
T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) and to alarm monitor 2A12
which monitors the level of the receiver traffic output
Low Pass Filter 2A3. The filter assembly
used for 2A3 varies according to the data rate as shown
2-23.1. Functional Block Diagram Description of
Demodulator and Output Amplifier Circuits
Change 6
2-50.1/(2-50.2 blank)
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