| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
7000 (corresponds to 5000.0 MHz) through 0000 (7000
(decimal 74 and 64) in 1A14A5 and 1A14A4
counts) until the unique number appears again in the
respectively. The unique number of 7464 establishes
registers. The cycle then repeats as described above.
the upper frequency limit for the divisor required for
dividing the if output from 1,A-14A2 ((2) below). When
Note that any divisor (D) can be
the number 7464 is decoded, the control circuits reset
the registers to an initial condition and the registers are
calculated by adding 540 to the number (N) preloaded
preloaded with the count set by the thumbwheel switch
into the registers and multiplying by 2 (D = 2 (N) + 540).
settings. After the preloading sequence, the if signal
For example, for a thumbwheel switch setting of 4400.0
causes the registers to count down to zero. The next
MHz, the number preloaded into the registers is 4000.
pulse produces the divide-by-N pulse output from
The divisor is calculated as follows: 2(4000 + 540) =
1A14A6. The pulse width of the divide-by-N output-is
2(4640) = 9080.
equal to 40 periods of the if output signal whose
sinewave frequency is between 14.1075 MHz and
The following tables list the thumbwheel
23.525 MHz depending upon the rf output frequency of
switch settings with corresponding closed switch
1A14A2. The registers in 1A14A5 contain the most
contacts (fig. 5-13) and the resulting decimal numbers
significant bits and will reach their unique number
which are loaded into the associated registers.
(decimal 74) before the registers in 1A14A4 have
reached their number (decimal 64).
(2) Thumbwheel switch settings/divisor ratios.
Variable frequency dividers 1A14A4 and 1A14A5 divide
the 14.1875 to 23.5625 MHz if output frequency from
1A14A2 by a number from 9080 to 1.5080 depending
upon the thumbwheel switch settings. The 14.1875 MHz
to 23.5625 MHz if output frequency is divided down to
1.5625 kHz to accomplish phase-lock. For example, for
a thumbwheel setting of 5000.0 MHz, the required if
output frequency is 23.5625 MHz. At this frequency, the
variable frequency dividers divide the if output
frequency from 1A14A2 by 15080 (23.5625 MHz
16080 = 1.5625 kHz). The divisor is obtained by adding
the counts to reach the unique number, initialize, inhibit
and preload sequence count and the thumbwheel
settings (1 + 536 + 3 + 7000 = 7540). Multiplying the
count by two (2 x 7540 = 15080) supplies the divisor.
The count is multiplied by two because the frequency of
the if output is divided by two in 1A14A4 before it is
applied to the registers. The following subparagraphs
describe how a thumbwheel switch setting of 5000.0
MH7 produces a divisor of 15080 in the variable
frequency divider circuits.
For a thumbwheel switch setting of 5000.6
MHz, the 0.1 MHz, 1.0 MHz, and 10 MHz divider-by-ten
registers in variable frequency dividers 1A14A4 and
1A14A5 are preloaded with zeros. The divide-by-eight
ripple through registers are preloaded with zeros. The
divide-by-eight ripple through registers are preloaded
with the number 7 ((c) below). The countdown cycle
starts at 0000 (1 count), then counts down from 7999 to
the unique number of 7464 (536 counts), after this count
an initialize, inhibit, preload sequence takes place (3
counts) and the thumbwheel switch settings are loaded
into the registers. The registers then count down from
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