| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
difference (subtraction) will yield a "clean" orderwire
positive (C48) peak levels of the composite
signal. However, using just the filtered data only signal
data/orderwire signal. The voltage at the junction of
as the second input to the subtractor is not sufficient to
R49 and R50 is the algebraic sum of the voltages across
assure a "clean" orderwire signal, because the from
capacitors C47/C48. The input at U9-6 is adjusted
radio signal may vary in amplitude. To compensate for
(R40) for a maximum peak-to-peak level of 4 volts at
this variable, an automatic gain servo loop is used to
U9-11. The corresponding average value at the junction
generate the second input to the subtractor. In the
of R49 and R50 is 2.6 volts (max.). This signal is
servo loop, the LF data signal is analog multiplied times
applied as a reference voltage at the inverting input (pin
the orderwire plus LF data signal. In the resultant
5) of comparator/slicer U10 to set the slicing level. The
signal, the (LF data)2 component contains a positive
from radio signal (U9-11) is applied at U10-4. As the
average value that can be used as a control signal to set
signal at U10-4 varies above and below the average
the input level of the second signal at the subtractor as
(reference) signal at U10O-5, U10 slices the signal at
required. With a level-controlled input, the subtractor
data transitions and provides the balanced data signal at
output signal tracks in the proper direction to maintain
UlO-13 and -14. Center slicing between peaks of the
maximum LF data component cancellation.
from radio signal regenerates the data signal because
its amplitude is relatively large compared to the
(4) The composite data/OW signal from U9-ll
amplitude of the orderwire signal. The output signals at
is applied to a low pass filter (LPF) comprised of U4B
U10-13 and -14 are balanced to ground through
(the active element) and R36, R37, R38, C33 and C34.
resistors R58, R59, R61, and R62 and routed to module
The cutoff frequency is 22 kHz (3 dB down). The output
A5 at P1-K and -L.
at U4B-10O (LF data plus orderwire) is applied through
(3) Simple filtering is not sufficient to
C38 and R55 to subtractor U4A at pin 1. The input at
accomplish separation of the orderwire from the
U4A-2 is the filtered data only signal. Derivation of this
composite data/OW signal. This is principally because
signal is explained in (5) below. The output at U4A-12 is
the low frequency components of the data signal occupy
the difference between these two input signals (input at
the same part of the frequency spectrum as the
pin 1 minus input at pin 2).
orderwire signal.
The system used to effect the
(5) The retimed, regenerated data only signal
separation takes advantage of the fact that the data and
(from A5) is applied at U8B-3 and U8A-1. The signal
orderwire signals are independent variables and that the
from U8A-2 is passed through LPF U18B (identical to
data signal is easily regenerated (2) above). The basic
LPF U4B, (4) above) and amplified in X3 amplifier U1A.
function of the orderwire extraction process is
The signal at UlA-12, approximately fixed in level, is
accomplished in subtractor U4A. One input to U4A is
applied to analog multiplier U5. A second input to U5
the composite data/OW signal with the high frequency
(at pin 1) is supplied by the output of U4A ((4) above).
components filtered out. The other input is derived from
The signal is applied through coupling network C39/R66.
the retimed, regenerated data only signal (from A5) with
This is the orderwire signal with a residual level of the
the high frequency components filtered out by an
LF data signal. These signals are analog multiplied in
identical filter. If the two input signals to subtractor U4A
U5. The output at U5-4 is
are matched in low frequency data components, their
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