| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
occurring at clock rate. This is the REF signal. When
through to U14-8; and the signal from U15-6 at U14-5 is
the ERR signal goes positive, it charges C35 through
connected through to U14-6. For rate 18.72, the clock
CR10 and when the REF signal goes negative it
signal is taken directly from U19 (it is not divided) and
discharges C35 through CR11. The net charge in C35
applied at U14-1 and -2. For all rates, the outputs at
at any time is proportional to the phase difference
U14-8 and -6 are complementary clock signals at the
between the ERR and REF signal pulse widths. This
selected rate. Switching operation of U14 is controlled
difference is proportional to the phase difference
by the signals at pins 3, 4, 9, and 13. For all rates
between the data and clock signals.
except 18.72, the signals at U14-4 and -9 are logic 1;
they switch to logic 0 for rate 18.72. For all rates except
(9) A reference voltage (+2 Vdc) is applied to
18.72 the signals at U14-3 and -13 are logic 0; they
pin 5 of voltage comparator U4. The voltage is
switch to logic 1 for rate 18.72.
developed from +5 Vdc through R37, R38 and R39 and
(7) The balanced SLICED DATA signal from
is filtered by C36. Variable resistor R39 is adjusted to
module A8 at P1-2 and -3 is converted to TTL level in
set the level. The voltage across C35 is applied to
line receiver U3. Resistors R18 and R19 are line
inverting input U4-4 through isolating resistor R34. The
terminations. The data signal from U3-13 is retimed in
output voltage at U4-10 varies in the range +4 Vdc for
U12A by the clock signal from U14-6. The retimed data
the normal range of phase difference in the data and
signal at U12A-6 is routed through buffers U17A and
U13D to module A4 (REGEN DATA, Pl-M) and to
CR5 through a low pass filter as described in (2) above.
module A8 (REG DATA, Pl-10). The clock signal from
(10) The output at U4-10 is also applied to
U14-8 is routed through buffer U17B to module A4
voltage comparators U9A and B which are used as an
(RCOVD TMG, P1-12).
out-of-range detector. Resistor network R41, R44 and
(8) U12A and B, U13A, B, and C and U16A
R45 applies reference voltages of +8 Vdc at U9A-4 and
comprise a phase detector. The input signals at U13B
-8 vdc at U9B-ll. For the normal range of phase
are the data signal from U3-13 and the retimed data
difference, the outputs at U9A-15 and U9B-8 are high.
signal (inverted) from U12A-6. Buffer U13A provides a
This signal is applied to monostable U20B which is
slight delay for the signal at U13B-4 to compensate for
normally reset with logic 0 at U20B-12. If the phase
the delay incurred by the signal at U13B-5 in passing
difference exceeds the normal limits, the outputs at U9A
through U12A. If the clock signal from U14-6 is exactly
and 8 switch to low. This transition sets U208B and
in phase with transitions of the data signal from U3-13,
U20B-12 changes to logic 0. The signal from U20B-12
the signals at U13B-4 and -5 will always be opposites
is applied to electronic switch U1. When the signal at
(logic 0 and logic 1) and U13B-6 will be logic 1. If there
U1-5 and -10 is logic 1, U1 is off and has no effect on
is a phase difference, the signals at U13B-4 and -5 will
U4. When 'J1-5 and -10 switch to logic 0, U1-13 and -
sometimes be the same. U13B-6 will be logic 0 at those
14 are connected together and also Ul-l and -2. The
times. This is the phase detector error signal and its
short at U1-1 and -2 discharges the feedback network of
duration is proportional to the phase difference between
U4; the short at Ul-13 and -14 applies +5 vdc through
data and clock signals. The retimed data signals from
R31 and R34 to U4-4. The output voltage at U4-10 is
U12A-5 and U12B-9 are applied to U13C and the output
then approximately 0 Vdc and oscillator U18 is driven to
signal at U13C-8 is ended with the clock signal in U16A.
center frequency. The phase detector starts searching
The output at U16A-6 is a constant width negative pulse
Change 6 2-24.6
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