| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
of 420 nanoseconds and is otherwise similar to transition
pulse before it times out (350 microseconds), the timing
detector 1 (A9). A10 provides a low (logic zero) output
cycle starts over again. Thus, as long as pcm trigger
at pin 6, as long as it receives input signals from A6.
pulses occur at ]east once every 960 microseconds, the
Voltage comparator A8 then provides a logic one output
output of A6 is held at logic one (pin 8). The logic one
and this is inverted to logic zero by A3E. When the pcm
output at pin 8 is inverted by lamp driver Al and
signal fails, the tuned circuit no longer receives inputs
provides a logic zero (low) at lamp DS1. Lamp DS1 is
with the timing required to sustain oscillation, A10 times
then lighted. Pin 6 of A9 of this time has logic zero
out and the output at pin 6 goes to logic one. Output
output. This signal (1RRFAIL) is sent to alarm-monitor
signal 1FRFAIL then becomes logic one to indicate
1A12A5. If A9 times out, the outputs become logic zero
failure of the FRPCM signal.
(pin 8) and logic one (pin 6). Lamp DS1 goes out and
1RRFAIL indicates failure (logic one).
Traffic alarm circuits.
comparator 1A12A9 synchronizes the frequency of the
(a) The FRPCM signal is applied to
4608 kHz radio-to-cable clock signal with the frequency
slicer 1 (A7) which has a fixed reference voltage at the
of the pcm signal and it retires the pcm signal.
other input. A7 is a high speed differential comparator
and it compares the signal (FRPCM) with the reference
(1) Synchronizing.
voltage. It produces a pulse output with a steep vertical
comparator 1A12A9 receives the 4608 kHz radio-to-
rise for negative going voltage transitions at the input
cable clock signal from 4608 kHz vco 1A12A11 and the
and a sharp vertical drop for positive-going transitions.
reshaped pcm signal from radio digital regenerator
Thus, the input signal is sliced into separate voltage
pulses corresponding to the logic ones in the FRPCM
(a) The 4608 kHz radio-to-cable
clock signal (OR4608) is applied to the trigger input of
(b) The square wave output of A7
clock counter flip-flop A9 which triggers on the positive-
is applied to both inputs of nand gate A4C in the leading
going transition of clock pulses (waveform A, fig. ,37).
edge pulse generator; directly to pin 9 and through delay
Each time A9 is triggered, the logic one output (pin 5)
inverters A5A, A5B and A5C so pin 8. Because of the
takes on the logic state of the signal present at input D
propagation delay through the three inverters, the input
(pin 2) at that time. The output at pin 6 is always the
signals to A4C are logic one simultaneously only for a
complement (logical opposite) the output at pin 5. The
short time immediately following a positive going
output state of A9 is then maintained until the next
transition at the output of A7. The output signal of A4C
trigger pulse. As a result, A9 divides the input signal by
is a series of short duration pulses (logic one) that
two and provides output signal 2304 kHz cable-to-radio
correspond in frequency with transitions of the input
clock (waveform B, fig. 6-37) which is sent to radio
signal (FRPCM).
digital processor 1A12A10 and to NAND gate A5C.
Gates A5C, A5D and A4C and flip-flop A9B are included
(c) The output pulses from A4C are
for use in a future application. A9B and A5D are not
applied, through inverters A4D and A1, to a tuned circuit
used and A5C and A4C act as inverters. The 2304 kHz
with a crystal filter. The resonant frequency of the tuned
radio-to-cable clock signal from pin 6 of A9 is inverted
circuit and crystal is the pcm signal frequency, 2304
by A6C, A4C and A4B and applied to the trigger input of
kHz. The applied pulses cause the tuned circuit to ring
pcm retiming flip-flop A8 and to the clock pulse
or oscillate, but only at its own frequency, and if the
generator (waveform C, fig. 5-7).
frequency of the pulses differs too much from the tuned
circuit frequency, oscillation is not sustained. Thus, the
(b) Signal 1RSPCM-2 is applied
tuned circuit rejects small timing errors caused by noise
directly to one input (pin 5) of NAND gate A5B in the
pulses and distinguishes between the normal pcm signal
data pulse generator and to the other input (pin 6)
and a random noise-pulse-only condition that exists
through delay inverters A5A, A4D and A4A. Because of
when the pcm signal is lost.
the propagation delay through the three inverters, the
input signals to A5B are simultaneously logic one only
(d) The output signal from the
for a short time immediately following a positive-going
tuned circuit is applied to slicer 2 (A6) which is similar to
transition of the pcm signal (ODP waveform, fig. 5-7).
slicer 1 (A7). The square wave output of A6 is applied
The resulting logic zero output of A5B sets
to transition detector 2 (A10) which has a time constant
Change 1 2-17
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