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TM 11-5820-695-35
causing the RCOVD DATA to remain unchanged when
B7 and B15. If 87 and B15 are logical opposites (0, 1 or
clocked into U6A-2.
1,0), the data bit at U11A-2 appears at U11A-3
unchanged and is clocked into U8A-2. If B7 and B15
(3)  An individual flip-flop may be set or
are logical equals (0,0 or 1,1, the data bit U11A-2 is
reset when power is first turned on; the initial state is
inverted and then clocked into U8A-2. The logic action
random unless means are provided to predetermine it.
is explained in the truth tables above for exclusive OR
Thus for the flip-flop of the 15-stage shift register, any
gates U11D and U11A.  Columns 1 and 2 show the
distribution of 1's or 0's could result at power turn-on,
possible logic states for B7 and 815. Columns 2 and 3
including a state of all 1's or all 0's. A state of all 1's or
show the inputs to U11D and column 4 shows the
all 0's is called a lockup state because if it occurred, and
corresponding output at U11D-11. The input signal at
the data input signal was also all 1's or all 0's, the data
U11D-13 is B7 instead of B7. The output at U11D-11 is
randomizing function would not take place. The SETUP
the input at U11A-1. Column 5 shows the BFRD DATA
signal is used to avoid the possibility. At power turn-on,
input and column 6 shows the resulting output at U11A-3
the input at P1-13 supplies the +5 vdc Vcc operating
which is the input to the 15-stage shift register. When
voltage.  This voltage is also applied through R12 to
the randomizer is inhibited, the scrambler feedback at
U8A-4, the PRE-SET input. Logic 0 is the active input
U11A-1 is not effective (open) and U11A-1 is grounded
signal level.  The circuit wiring has capacitance to
causing the BFRD DATA to remain unchanged at U11A-
ground and this capacitance must charge to the logic 1
2 and U11A-3 when clocked into U8A-2.
level before a logic 1 is applied at U8A-4. During the
resultant delay time, U8A-4 has in effect a logic 0 input
(2)  The descrambler circuit is similar to
and since it has operating Vcc applied, it is set, with
the scrambler circuit. The RCOVD DATA (P1-1) and
logic 1 at U8A-5. After the initial delay time, U8A-4 is
RCOVD TMG (P1-2) signals are applied to a 15-stage
logic 1 and the PRESET input is inactive. In a similar
shift register (U10, 6 stages; U2A, 1 stage; U7, 7 stages;
manner, the SETUP signal applies logic 0 at the CLE
and U2B, 1 stage) through buffers U15A and U15B.
input U1-9 during the delay time and the flip-flop in U1
The data input signal at U10-1 is clocked through the
are reset. Thus the SETUP signal prevents an initial
shift register. Bit B15 (U28-8) and B7 (U2A-5) through
state of all 1's or 0's in the shift register.
exclusive OR gate U15C control the logic action at
exclusive OR gate U15D. The input data signal (U15A-
(4)  Monostable
3) is also applied to U15D and it is inverted or not by
vibrators (failure monitors) U9A, U9B and U5A are set at
U15D depending on the logic state of the signal at
power-up by pullup resistors R20 and R14. The failure
U15C-6. The truth table for the logic action that occurs
monitors have a timed output of 150 msec provided by
is the same as that given above for the scrambler,
external RC networks consisting of capacitors C4, C5
substituting U15C for U11D and U15D for U11A. The
and C6 and resistors R15, R16 and R17.  When the
descrambled output signal at U15C-8 is then shifted
monitored input signal at U9A, U9B or U5A pins 1 or 9 is
through flip-flop U6A and buffer U13A to P1-M. When
active and
the randomizer is inhibited the feed forward bits at
U15D-9 are not effective and U150-9 is grounded
Change 6 2-16.8

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