| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
negative. This condition holds and a negative pulse
the trigger input of narrow clock pulse generator A5
input to the integrator is generated until 1BP goes
which is a monostable multivibrator. It generates a
negative. When zero bits occur in the input signal
negative 120 nanosecond output pulse for each input
(1CSPCM), 1DP remains high and the phase
pulse. This signal is inverted by inverter A3A and
comparator flip-flop is not set, so 1FP remains high.
designated 1N2304 (2304 kHz cable-to-radio clock). It
Thus, 1PP remains low and positive pulses to the
is sent to cable digital processor lA12A4 and is also
integrator are not generated. Also 1BP remains low, so
connected to inverter A3D.
The output A3D is
1NP is high and negative pulses to the integrator are not
connected to both inputs of AND gate A2B, directly to
pin 6 and through delay inverters A2C, D and A to pin 5.
Because of the propagation delay through the three
(5) The output signal of differential integrator
inverters, the input signals to A2B are simultaneously
A8 is connected to the frequency control input of 4608
logic one only for a short time immediately following a
kHz vco 1A12A1. When the input to A8 is a positive
positive transition at the output of A3D (1CP waveform,
pulse, the output is a negative-going change in voltage.
When the input is a negative pulse, the output is a
phase comparator A10A and B. Tracing this action back
positive-going change in voltage. This means that the
to the input signal (1T4608), it can be seen that it occurs
output voltage starts to rise (or fall) at a fixed rate of
at the positive-going or leading edge of clock pulses.
change (slope).
When clock and data are in
The difference in time between set (1DP, data pulse)
synchronism, positive and negative pulse inputs to A8
and reset (1CP, clock pulse) pulses to the phase
are approximately equal, and the positive and negative-
comparator is then a measure of the phase difference
going changes in output voltage cancel since the slopes
between the data input, 1CSPCM and clock input,
are equal. These low amplitude excursions of the
output signal are filtered at the input of 1A12A1 and the
output frequency remains constant. When the positive
(3) The output (E24) of the delay circuit in the
pulses inputs to A8 are longer than the negative pulses,
data pulse generator ((1) above) is also connected to 48
the negative-going output caused by the positive pulse
channel baud generator A1 which is a monostable
is not entirely cancelled by the return in the zero
multivibrator. It generates a negative output pulse each
direction caused by the following negative pulse. The
time the input signal goes to logic zero. The duration of
net result is that the signal remains negative and will go
the negative pulse is adjusted so that the total time from
more negative as long as this condition (longer positive
the start to 1DP to the end of the baud pulse is 434
pulses) holds. However, the negative output signal
nanoseconds. This signal is inverted by inverter A3C
causes the frequency of 1A12A1 to increase, clock
and applied as one input (1BP) to AND gate A6A (1BP
pulse 1CP then occurs sooner and positive pulses are
waveform, fig. 5-31).
shortened and the length of negative pulses is
increased. This action and reaction occurs until positive
(4) The output signal of the phase comparator
and negative pulses are equal. When the negative
(1FP) (1FP waveform, fig. 5-31), which represents the
pulses are longer than positive pulses, the same kind of
phase difference between data and clock signals, is
action in the opposite direction takes place. The output
inverted by inverter A6B. The output signal of inverter
of A8 goes positive, clock frequency is decreased and
A6B (1PP waveform, fig. 5-31) causes the positive
clock pulses 1CP is delayed. This shortens the negative
pulse generator to generate the positive pulse input to
pulses. The result is that the output of A8 always
differential integrator AS. The inverter output of the 48
produces a frequency change at 1A12A1 that tends to
channel baud generator (1BP) and the output of the
equalize positive and negative pulses and when equality
phase comparator (1FP) are applied to AND gate A6A.
is established to maintain it. When the data signal has
The output of AND gate A6A (1NP waveform, fig. 5-31)
logic zero bits, neither positive nor negative pulses are
causes the negative pulse generator to generate the
sent to integrator A8, however, it has a long time
negative pulse input to differential integrator A8. Thus,
constant which holds its output to bridge over these
at the start of each data pulse (corresponding to a logic
short intervals.
one bit in the data signal) 1DP goes Negative, 1FP goes
negative, and 1PP goes positive. This condition holds
(6) The output of differential integrator A8 is
and a positive pulse input to the integrator is generated
also connected to positive/negative clamp detector A9.
until 1CP goes negative. When 1CP goes negative,
Normally, the output of differential
1FP goes positive and since 1BP is positive, 1NP goes
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