| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
Transistors Q5 and Q6 are arranged in a Schmitt trigger
association with Inductor L3. These capacitors form a
circu it that uses inductor L2 for a common emitter load.
voltage divider network that not only provides a
The inductor maintains a constant dc emitter current
convenient means for obtaining a positive feedback
(common mode current) that flows in each transistor as
voltage for the emitter circuit, but also permits selection
they are alternately switched at a l-MHz rate. The
of the proper output voltage for subsequent stages. The
resulting pulse train is amplified by Q7 before being
output of 500. kHz amplifier Q5 is divided with part of
routed to signal data translator A3.
the signal being routed to the l-MHz pulse generator
circuit of oscillator control A7 and the remainder passing
b. The 100-kHz signal from amplifier A6Q9 is
through 500-kHz amplifier Q6 before being applied to
applied to the 100-kHz pulse generator circuits
the balanced modulator and product detector circuits of
consisting of pulse generator Ql-Q2 and pulse amplifier
amplifier-modulator A2.
Both Q5 and Q6 are
Q3. Transistors Q1 and Q2 form a Schmitt trigger
conventional amplifier circuits that have tip jacks
circuit that provides a squarewave output at the 100-kHz
provided in each output path to facilitate measurement
switching rate. The coupling network that interconnects
of output levels and waveforms.
Q2 with the base of pulse amplifier Q3 differentiates this
c. The 500-kHz signal from locked oscillator Q4 is
squarewave signal and produces troth positive-going
and negative-going pulses at the base of Q3. Limiter
also routed to the 100-kHz circuits. Follower Q7
CR1 conducts during the negative-going transitions and
provides isolation before applying this signal to Q8. A
shorts these pulses to ground, but during the positive-
frequency division of five occurs in locked oscillator Q8
going transitions, the pulses ring the parallel-resonant
with the natural period of this stage being determined by
tank circuit contained on the 1.8- to 0.9-MHz tuned-
the network consisting of capacitors C28 through C31 in
circuit board. Switch S3 in the 1.8- to 0.9-MHz tuned-
association with inductor L7. The capacity voltage-
circuit assembly is controlled by the 100-kHz shaft
divider in the output of this stage also provides taps for
associated with the middle frequency-control knob on
conveniently obtaining positive feedback voltage for the
the front of the receiver-transmitter. The selection
emitter circuit, and provides proper output voltage for
made by this knob resonates the parallel circuit to
following stages. The 100-kHz signal from Q8 remains
enhance the pulse amplitude applied to the amplifier-
in synchronism with the input signal and hence the
limiter circuits. Transistors Q7 through Q19 clip and
3.000-MHz crystal oscillator output. 100-kHz amplifier
amplify the sinousoidal output of pulse amplifier Q3 to
Q9 is a conventional circuit that routes the output of Q8
assure that a constant level is maintained across the
to the 100-kHz pulse generator circuit of oscillator
entire frequency range from 1.8to 0.9-kHz. Spurious
control A7 and effectively isolates these circuits.
frequencies introduced by limiting are attenuated by the
bandpass filter consisting of capacitors C66 through C70
2-14. Oscillator Control C-4311JPRC-47 (A8A8)
and inductors L16 through L18 that are connected
across the output of transistor Q19.
c. Crystal oscillators Q20 and Q21 are
conventional common-emitter circuits that have a
circuits, tuned amplifier/limiter circuits, crystal
bandswitching turret in each base.
The crystals
associated with switch S1 are selected by the position of
discriminator. The 500-kHz standard signal from A6Q5
the shaft associated with the 1-kHz frequency-control
is applied to the 1-MHz pulse generator circuit consisting
knob on the front panel of the receiver-transmitter. The
of transistors Q4 through Q6 and their associated
crystals associated with switch S2 are selected by the
Following amplification by Q7, the
position of the 10-kHz shaft associated with the middle
resulting 1-MHz pulse train is applied to the 5- to 14-
control knob on the front of the RT-
MHz amplifier circuits of signal data translator A3. The
671/PRC-47. The output signals from oscillators Q20
1-M Hz pulse generator circuit consists of frequency
and Q21 are combine in mixer Q22 to provide one-
doubler Q4, pulse generator Q5-Q6, and amplifier Q7.
hundred 1-kHz channels between 601- and 700-kHz.
Doubler Q4 is operated in the nonlinear portion of its
The circuit duality of these oscillators and a similarity of
characteristic to produce an output rich in harmonics of
temperature coefficient for 811 crystals associated with
the 500-kHz input signal. The tuned circuits consisting
these oscillators provides an
of capacitors C14 and C15 in association with inductor
L1 is resonant at the second harmonic of the input signal
and provides an output of 1-M Hz.
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